厂商 :衡水力能新材料工程有限公司
河北 衡水市- 主营产品:
地址:衡水滨湖新区 专业供应波纹管、螺纹管、被动防护网、主动防护网、拼装涵管。 Specializing in the production of circular assembled steel corrugated pipes In the course of highway construction in China, thet-tension prestressed concrete bridge has been widely used. In order to ensure the prestressing effect and durability of the structure of the girder, we need to grout the tunnel pressure containing prestressed bars when the prestressed concrete beam is used. The corrosion of prestressed tendons and the loss of effective prestress caused by the infullness of prestressed tunnel pressure are the biggest threats to the bridge's service life, which will directly affect the overall strength and durability of prestressed bridges. Some studies have been carried out at home and abroad, most of them using nondestructive testing techniques. It mainly includes impact back wave method(I E), surface wave spectrum imaging method(SASW), ultrasonic imaging method(UT), ground penetrating radar method(GPR), ultrasonic phase formation method and so on. However, due to the differences in the principle, scope, and accuracy of various detection methods, the engineering community has always expected a stable and efficient detection method, so that non-destructive testing technology can play a greater role in bridge testing.
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