厂商 :衡水力能新材料工程有限公司
河北 衡水市- 主营产品:
联系电话 :14730571583
型号:AD25.0 公称外径:2000 材质:Q235 用途:公路隧道 壁厚:3mm 结构形式:单壁波纹管 温度范围:120度 长度:3米 Q345:Q235

of the girder, we need to grout the tunnel pressure containing prestressed bars when the prestressed concrete beam is used. The corrosion of prestressed tendons and the loss of effective prestress caused by the infullness of prestressed tunnel pressure are the biggest threats to the bridge's service life, which will directly affect the overall strength and durability of prestressed bridges. Some studies have been carried out at home and abroad, most of them using nondestructive testing techniques. It mainly includes impact back wave method(I E), surface wave spectrum imaging method(SASW), ultrasonic imaging method(UT), ground penetrating ra


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