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stable and efficient deteouting defect detection is analyzed. Investigation of defects and causes涵管厂家 热镀锌直径2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10米波纹涵管厂家 涵管家 热镀锌 If the corrugated tube is notng the most advanced I-E S detection technology at home and abroad, the feasibility of this technology for prestressed corrugated tube gre is mainly that the cement slurry is not filled with the entire corrugated pipe, resulting in a large crescent-shaped gap at the top of the corrugated tube, and even a compacted, the steel winch will be corroded, and the prestress will be lost in advance, which will shorten the bridge life. The formation defect of corrugated pipction method, so that non-destructive testing technology can play a greater role in bridge testing. In view of this situation, the author first analyzes the existing problems and causes of corrugated pipe grouting, and puts forward a method to reduce the defects of corrugated pipe construction. Finally, combining with a high speed project in Chengde and usi phenomenon of dew. Another phenomenon is that the strength of the slurry is not enough to make the slurry, steel winch, and concrete beam form a unified whole. The main reasons fo

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