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hich can meet the fill. The need of 0.5 to 40 M thick. Construction o 热镀锌涵管 波纹管管子厂家直销波文官 涵管厂家 服务到家 给您质的用管体验f the cold zone Can be winter construction, not affected by the climate, after the winter, the climate in the northern part of China is cold, the construction of cover culverts or stone arch culverts due to low temperatures, will cause different degrees of damage, in the construction of short construction projects, under bad conditions. The use of steel corrugated Guanhan can easily overcome various difficulties in construction. II. Water Destruction Applications In some areas, there are more paroxysmal torrential rain, which can easily cause damage to the structure of bridges and culverts. After the concrete structure is destroyed, it can not be used again. New culverts must be built. The construction time is long. The road break affects people's production and life. After the bellows are destroyed, they can be reused and the construction process is simple. III. Simple road construction In the construction of some rivers and bridges, building materials need to be transported across the river. In the future, after the bridge fo

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