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damage to culverts. If the reconstruct 衡水黑色波纹管 直径一米两米·波纹涵管 厂家直销 注意是厂家直销 不是中间商ion period is long in the high-fill section, the interruption of roads will affect the passage of vehicles and increase the cost. If the construction of cement pipes is more difficult, It is difficult to fill cement mortar between round Guanhan and old arch culverts. The corrugated culvert can be used to advance after connection outside the culvert, and there is no gap at the connection; The opening of holes on the side of the tube to fill the sheet stone and spray mortar increases the integrity of the Guanhan and original culverts; In addition, the corrugated culvert tube is light and easy to construct; In the construction, the foundation is cleared by advancing the edge to ensure the safety of the construction

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