厂商 :衡水力能新材料工程有限公司
河北 衡水市- 主营产品:
3. The construction staff's grouting operation is not correct, the grouting speed is too fast or the grouting pressure is low. When the grouting is not waiting for the grouting hole to emerge, the grouting will stop. 4. During grouting, due to improper grouting or mechanical failure, the grouting was suspended, but the corrugated pipe behind the front grouting was not cleaned in time. As a result, when grouting again, it could not proceed normally due to blockage, forming an internal hole. 5. The parts that need special treatment are still pressed according to the general operation, resulting in uncompacted grouting. 6. The ition of the pulping hole is wrong, and it is not at the highest point of the corrugated tube. Therefore, when there is a slurry overflow in the pulping hole, it is mistakenly thought that the pulping body in the corrugated tube is full; In addition, the residual air at the height can not be discharged, resulting in the failure of the press, and it will also cause the illusion that the bellows have been compacted. 7. In the beam concrete vibration, the vibrator hits the corrugated pipe, the corrugated pipe cracks, causing the concrete to leak in, blocking the corrugated pipe, and the slurry can not pass.
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