
厂商 :长沙巴溪仪器有限公司

湖南 长沙
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  • 电子仪器
  • 通用仪器
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Glove Bag?应用:

1. 厌氧室:持续通入干燥惰性气体,防止痕量水分或氧气进入Glove Bag?。

2. 植物学和生命科学实验:为植物秧苗创造可控环境,用于昆虫和杀虫剂研究,麻醉实验,或用于胚胎研究培养室或动物研究。

3. 干燥或恒湿环境:往自封带式Glove Bag?中通入干燥氮气并放入吸湿剂,可以作为低湿度干燥器,用于储存玻璃仪器、试剂等体积较大物质。提供高湿度环境,可在Glove Bag?中放入饱和盐溶液和水。如需不同湿度环境,可用一个T形连接管(可另外购买)混合干燥氮气和潮湿氮气,通入Glove Bag?即可。

4. 无尘环境:将过滤过的空气或惰性气体通入Glove Bag?,用于电子行业或航空工业。

5. 紧急隔离:在观察未知或可疑物质时,污染物或臭味物质小范围泄漏时,用Glove Bag?进行隔离。可使用Glove Bag?迅速隔离并密封污染工作区域。

6. 环境科学研究:野外采样时Glove Bag?可作为便携实验室使用,保护样品并提供洁净环境便于操作和观察。并可配便携式氮气充气系统。

7. 处理对空气或湿度敏感的物质:在对此类物质进行转移、包装、取样、称量、反应时,可在Glove Bag?中操作(通入干燥惰性气体)。

8. 显微镜观察:可将显微镜放入Glove Bag?,并在Glove Bag?合适位置切一小口用于放置目镜,充气前用胶带密封。 9. 样品处理:将粉碎装置置于Glove Bag?中使用,可防止研磨粉碎时产生的粉尘污染空气。

R Model glove bag differs from Model X in that the gloves are not turned in or furnished with talc.Supplied in five different sizes. The equipment entrance is in the front, between the two integral gloves.

108D R-17-17H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 17" x 17" x 11", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. Box of 6.
108D R-17-17H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 17" x 17" x 11", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. One Glove Bag.
108D R-27-17H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 27" x 17" x 12", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. Box of 6. 
108D R-27-17H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 27" x 17" x 12", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. One Glove Bag.
108D R-27-27H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 27" x 27" x 15", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. Box of 6.
108D R-27-27H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 27" x 27" x 15", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. One Glove Bag.
108D R-37-27H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 27" x 18", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. Box of 6.
108D R-37-27H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 37" x 27" x 18", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. One Glove Bag.
108D R-37-37H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 37" x 25", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. Box of 6.
108D R-37-37H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 37" x 37" x 25", front equipment opening. No cornstarch. One Glove Bag.
108D R-425 Adapter ring (adapts standard neoprene type gloves to glove bag) Set of two.

GLOVE BAGTM Inflatable Glove Chamber Great when working with air-sensitive or moisture-sensitive materials Models S and SS ... have a distinct advantage over the X and R Model for many applications. The equipment entrance sleeve(s) are 12" wide and are located at the side away from user. Gloves are turned in. A talc packet is included.
Model S ... has one equipment sleeve at one side.
Model SS ... has two equipment sleeves, one on each side.
Variations of GLOVE BAGTM can be offered. Contact the factory for details or if you have a special need discuss it with us.

108D S-20-20H-3 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x 12", side equipment opening. Box of 3.
108D S-20-20H-6 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x 12", side equipment opening. Box of 6.
108D S-20-20H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 20" x 20" x 12", side equipment opening. One Glove Bag
108D S-20-20HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x 12", side equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy-Glide.
108D S-30-20H-3 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", side equipment opening.  Box of 3.
108D S-30-20H-6 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", side equipment opening. Box of 6.
108D S-30-20H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 30" x 20" x 14", side equipment opening. One Glove Bag
108D S-30-20HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", side equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy-Glide.
108D SS-20-20H-3 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x12", equipment opening at each side. Box of 3.
108D SS-20-20H-6 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x 12", equipment opening at each side. Box of 6.
108D SS-20-20H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 20" x 20" x 12", equipment opening at each side. One Glove Bag
108D SS-20-20HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 20" x 20" x 12", equipment opening at each side. One Glove Bag with Handy-Glide.
108D SS-30-20H-3 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", equipment opening at each side. Box of 3.
108D SS-30-20H-6 Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", equipment opening at each side. Box of 6.
108D SS-30-20H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 30" x 20" x 14", equipment opening at each side. One Glove Bag.
108D SS-30-20HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 30" x 20" x 14", equipment opening at each side. One Glove Bag with Handy-Glide.

GLOVE BAGTM Inflatable Glove Chamber Great when working with air-sensitive or moisture-sensitive materials "X" Model has an equipment opening in front, between the two integral gloves and is supplied in five different sizes. This model is ready to use, the gloves have been turned in. A packet of talc is included.
Variations of the GLOVE BAGTM can be offered. Contact the factory for details, or if you have a special need to discuss with us.

108D X-17-17H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 17" x 17" x 11", front equipment opening. Box of 6
108D X-17-17H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 17" x 17" x 11", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag.
108D X-17-17HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 17" x 17" x 11", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy Glide 
108D X-27-17H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber,27" x 17" x 12", front equipment opening. Box of 6
108D X-27-17H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 27" x 17" x 12", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag.
108D X-27-17HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber,27" x 17" x 12", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy Glide
108D X-27-27H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 27" x 27" x 15", front equipment opening. Box of 6
108D X-27-27H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 27" x 27" x 15", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag.
108D X-27-27HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 27" x 27" x 15", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy Glide
108D X-34-34HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 34" x 34" x 23" (4 hand), front equipment opening.One Glove Bag with Handy Glide
108D X-37-27H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 27" x 18", front equipment opening. Box of 6
108D X-37-27H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 37" x 27" x 18", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag.
108D X-37-27HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 27" x 18", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy Glide
108D X-37-37H Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 37" x 25", front equipment opening. Box of 6
108D X-37-37H-EVAL Glove Bag Evaluation Kit, 37" x 37" x 25", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag.
108D X-37-37HG Glove Bag, inflatable glove chamber, 37" x 37" x 25", front equipment opening. One Glove Bag with Handy Glide
108D XX-1H Glove Bag inflatable glove chamber, assortment: (3) X-17-17H, (2) X-27-27H & (1) X-37-37H
