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缺陷消除后应从头试验。 8.1.10 液体压力试验时,有必要排净系统内的空气。升压应分级缓慢,到达试验压力后停压10 min,然后降至方案压力,停压30 min,不降压、无泄露和无变形为合格。 1-allowable stress of the material in test temperature, Mpa; [б]1-试验温度下材料的许用应力,MPa; a For piping system made of non-alloy steel or low alloy steel, the liquid temperature shall not be lower than 5℃; Here: 8.1.10 Prior to the hydraulic pressure test, the air in the system shall be completely exhausted. Boosting shall be carried out slowly and step by st

ep and it shall stop for 10 min when the pressure reaches the test pressure; then, the pressure shall be lowered down to the design pressure and stop for 30 min; if the pressure does not drop and no leakage or deformation occurs, the piping system is deemed to be qualified; 8.1.7 Clean water shall be used for hydraulic pressure test; other liquid may be used otherwise required by the production process. When water is adopted for hydraulic pressure test for austenitic stainless steel piping, the content of chloride ion in the water shall not be more than 25 mg/L. b 合金钢的管道系统,液体温度不得低于15℃,且应高于相应金属材料的脆性改变温度。 b For piping system made of alloy steel, the liquid temperature shall not be lower than 15℃ and shall be higher than the brittle transition temperature of the relevant metal material. 8.1.7 液体压力试验运用洁清水进行,当生产技术有需要时,可用其他液体。奥氏体不锈钢管道用水试验时,水中的氯离子含量不得逾越25 mg/L。 c All work of welding and heat treatment are completed; P0-design pressure, Mpa; 8.1.8 The liquid temperature for hydraulic pressure test shall conform to the following if it is not specified in design document: b 液体压力试验时的应力值,不得逾越试验温度下材料屈服点的90%; 8.1.11 Prior to the air pressure test, a trial test shall be carried out using air or other nontoxic and incombustible gas. The pressure for trial test shall depend on the test pressure of air pressure test and be chosen within the scope of 0.1 Mpa~0.5 Mpa. 8.1.4Liquid shall be adopted for pressure test for piping system. In case it is difficult to conduct hydraulic pressure test, air pressure test can be adopt as substitution, but the following requirements must be satisfied, with security measures approved by the chief technical in-charge of the construction unit: 8.1.13 气体压力试验时,应逐渐缓慢增加压力。当压力升至试验压力的50%时,稳压3 min,未发现反常或泄露,持续按试验压力的10%逐级升压,每级稳压3 min,直至试验压力,稳压10 min,再将压力降至方案压力,涂刷中性发泡剂对试压系统进行仔细巡回检查,无泄露为合格。 K-系数,液体压力试验取1.5,气体压力试验取1.15; [б]1 c The value of stress under air pressure test shall not exceed 80% of the yield point of the material in test temperature; a 当方案温度高于试验温度时,管道的试验压力应按公式1核算: b The value of stress under hydraulic pressure test shall not exceed 90% of the yield point of the material in test temperature; 8.1.3 All the following conditions shall be jointly checked and confirmed by the employer/supervision unit, construction unit and other relevant departments prior to pressure test: c 气体压力试验的压力为方案压力的1.15倍。 8.1.3 管道系统试压前,应由施工单位、建造/监理单位和有关部门联合检查供认下列条件: [б]2 Pt=KP0 ······································1 2- allowable stress of the material in design temperature, Mpa; a 非合金钢和低合金钢的管道系统,液体温度不得低于5℃; d Marking of material quality of alloy steel piping is obvious and clear; i Design alteration and material substitution document; 8.1.9 Any equipment, instrument, relief valve or blasting plate that cannot be brought into pressure test for piping system due to different test pressure or other reasons shall be indicated with obvious marking. a The whole piping system is installed according to the design document; d 合金钢管道的原料标识明显明白; a When the design temperature is higher than the test temperature, the test pressure of the piping shall be calculated by Formula 1: a 真空管道为0.2 MPa; K-coefficient, which is 1.5 for hydraulic pressure test and 1.15 for air pressure test; c 气体压力试验时的应力值,不得逾越试验温度下材料屈服点的80%。 d 不符合本条a、b的管道系统有必要用气压试验代替时,其一切的焊接接头应经无损检测合格。 f 试压用的暂时加固方法符合需要,暂时盲板加置正确,标志明显,记载无缺; a Piping system with nominal diameter ≤300mm and test pressure ≤1.6 Mpa; f The temporary fastening measures for pressure test are in compliance with the requirement; the temporary blind plate is at correct position, with obvious marking and complete records; Pt-试验压力,MPa; P1-test pressure, Mpa; [б]2-方案温度下材料的许用应力,MPa。 a 管道系统全部按方案文件设备结束; c The pressure of the air pressure test shall be 1.15 times of the design pressure. c If the total alloy content is more than 10%, the hardness value shall not be more than 350 HB. h Approved program of pressure test is available, with technical clarification. 8.1.5 The pressure used for the pressure test shall conform to the following: e 焊缝及其他需进行检查的部位不应荫蔽; e Line diagram conforming to Clause 7.5.15 of this Specification; c The constituent elements made of fragile material shall not be brought into the air pressure test before they are pass the hydraulic pressure test; g The measurement range, precision and verification period of the instrument is in conformity with the requirement; e 符合本标准7.5.15条需要的单线图; h 静电接地检验记载; Sweeping for piping system 5 a 0.2 Mpa for vacuum piping; 式中: d For piping system out of the scope of a and b of this clause that must adopt air pressure test instead of hydraulic pressure test, all of its welding joints shall pass the nondestructive examination before the test. 8.1.6 管道压力试验时,试验温度、应力值应符合下列规则: c 脆性材料管道构成件未经液压试验合格,不得参与管道系统气体压力试验; f 无损检测陈说; 进行焊接接头热处置的管道,还应在单线图上标明热处置及硬度试验的焊缝编号。 8.1.5 压力试验的压力应符合下列规则: b 管道构成件、焊材的校验性检查或试验记载; 8.1.4 管道系统的压力试验应以液体进行。液压试验确有艰难时,可用气压试验代替,但应符合下列条件,并有经施工单位技术总负责人附和的安全方法: c 合金总含量大于10%,不大于350HB。 b 管道支、吊架的型式、原料、设备方位正确,数量齐全,紧固程度、焊接质量合格; g 试压用的检测表面的量程、精度等级、检守时符合需要; 8.1.6 During the process of pressure test for piping, values of the test temperature and stress shall conform to the following: 7.5.11 焊接接头热处置后,首先应供认热处置自动记载曲线,然后在焊缝及热影响区各取一点测定硬度值。抽检数不得少于20%,且不少于一次。 Hypertoxic and combustible medium a 合金总含量小于3%,不大于270HB; 8.1.2 All the following data shall be reviewed and confirmed by the employer/supervision unit, construction unit and other relevant departments prior to pressure test: i 方案变更及材料代用文件。 b 公称直径大于300 mm、试验压力等于或小于0.6 MPa的管道系统; 7.5.15 进行无损检测的管道,应在单线图上标明焊缝编号、焊工代号、焊接方位、无损检测方法、返修焊缝方位、扩探焊缝方位等可追溯性标识。 For piping whose welding joints are under heat treatment, the S/N of weld seam for heat treatment and hardness test shall also be indicated. b Piping system with nominal diameter >300mm and test pressure ≤0.6 Mpa; Random a 管道构成件、焊材的制造厂质量证明文件; b The pressure of the hydraulic pressure test shall be 1.5 times of the design pressure; d Records of concealed work of piping system; II 有毒、可燃介质 a 公称直径小于或等于300 mm、试验压力小于或等于1.6 MPa的管道系统; 8 管道系统试验 c The processing records of elbow of SHA piping, screw thread at the piping ends and the sealing surface; Test for piping system h 有经附和的试压方案,并经技术交底。 b Model, material quality and mounted position of the support and trapeze of piping shall be duly correct; the quantity is complete; the level of tightness and the quality of welding are satisfied; b 合金总含量3%~10%,不大于300HB; b If the total alloy content is within 3%~10%, the hardness value shall not be more than 300 HB; 7.5.12 热处置后焊缝的硬度值,不宜逾越母材标准布氏硬度值加100HB,且应符合下列规则: f Report of nondestructive examination; a 100% of grooves with trend of harden quenching shall be tested. Pressure test for piping system 7.5.14 Upon the completion of nondestructive examination and hardness inspection, the relevant inspection report or record shall be written. 7.5.12 After heat treatment, the hardness value of the weld seam shall not exceed the total value of Brinell hardness plus 100 HB, besides the flowing specifications: g 焊接接头热处置记载及硬度试验陈说; II c 焊接及热处置工作已全部结束






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