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曲靖碟形阀门取证评审申办与压力管道维修办资质证书广东梅州权威咨询 |
7.3.7 本条规定奥氏体不锈钢管道采用氩弧进行焊接接头的根部焊道焊接时,管内应充氩气或充氮气保护。充氩气保护是目前焊接规范的一贯要求。充氮气保护,是本规范所采用的新技术,已于1997年7月在兰州通过了集团公司组织的专家技术鉴定。主要技术参数为:氮气纯度应大于99.5%,含水量小于50 mg/L,管内氮气的浓度应大于99.9%,一
8.3.2 试验时,施工单位往往难以解决升压设备或气源,所以泄漏性试验可结合装置试车同时进行。
8.1.8 During the process of pressure test for piping system, it is a crucial link to choose the ambient temperature and control the medium temperature. Any ambient temperature, metal temperature or medium temperature shall not be lower than the lowest temperature specified by this Specification. For alloy steel piping system, the liquid temperature shall be higher than the brittle transition temperature of the metal material. This is also applicable to gas pressure test, so the same provision can be seen in Clause 8.1.12. This provision is formulated making reference to Clause 208 of Steam Boiler Safety Technology Supervision Order issued by Ministry of Labour in 1996, No. 276.
7.1 一般规定
7.5.5 The qualified grade of quality for the welding joint of piping is determined in consideration of various factors in respect of the welding joint, such as type of load, condition of service, influence of joint’s failure, material quality, condition for fabrication, etc..
7.4.12 This clause is formulated making reference to Clause 78 of Steam Boiler Safety Technology Supervision Order issued by Ministry of Labour in 1996, No. 276.
D0-管子外直径,mm;D0-outside diameter of pipe, mm
5.4 其他管道组成件检验
All welding joints for sampling test shall be confirmed by the inspector for welding quality. The number of fixed welding joint shall be more than 40% of the total sampled number. The quantity for test specified in Table 10 is the total quantity of rotating welding joint and fixed welding joint. Sampling test aims at showing the real technical skill of welders, which can avoid the specially welded joints or self-chosen joints by welders for inspection, so as to ensure the reliability of the welding joint.
8.3 气体泄漏性试验及真空度试验
7.5.6 标准抗拉强度下限值бb≥540 MPa的钢,在制作过程中有产生裂纹的倾向;Cr-Mo钢的淬硬倾向大,属裂纹敏感性材料,特别是经热处理后,再热裂纹敏感性显露出来,当抗变形能力低于实际的变形量时即形成裂纹;非奥氏体低温钢有淬硬性倾向,坡口热加工容易产生表面微裂纹,焊接后因冷却过快容易引起裂纹和淬硬现象。因此这类焊接接头进行检测,对保证安全使用是十分必要的。这类焊接接头施工时,要严格遵守相应规程的要求。
表4中列举了常用的几种钢管子冷弯后的热处理条件,表中未列入的钢种,应根据交货状态分别对待:热轧状态交货的非合金钢管,可按10、20钢的要求进行热处理;正火状态交货的钢管,当壁厚大于8 mm,管子冷弯后应进行退火热处理;调质状态交货的钢管不宜进行冷弯,否则弯管均应按原供货状态进行热处理。
8.2 管道系统吹扫
7.5.6 For steel with a lower limit value of standard tensile strengthбb≥540 MPa, it is inclined to produce crack during the process of fabrication. Cr-Mo steel has an obvious inclination of harden quenching, belonging to crack sensitive material; especially after heat treatment, the reheat crack sensitivity will appear; once the resistance to deformation is lower than the actual amount of deformation, crack will occur. Non- austenite low temperature steel has an inclination of harden quenching, whose groove easily produces surface tiny crack under heat processing; excessively sudden cooling after welding may cause crack and harden quenching. For the sake of safety, it is necessary to carry out inspection on these types of welding joints. In addition, the welding operation of these types of welding joints shall be strictly in conformity with the relevant specification.
Pt-试验压力,MPa;Pt-test pressure, MPa
Tolerance of flange parallelism depth and axiality
6.1.10 This clause specifies the critical technical requirements to be followed by the construction unit during the prefabrication of jacket pipe. If more detailed requirement is provided in the design document, this design document shall be complied with.
8.1 管道系统压力试验
8.2.1 Once the piping system passes the pressure test, sweeping shall be carried out prior to the gas leakage test. It is the most important means to keep the inner part of piping clean.
表10规定射线检测百分率和合格等级是参照GB 50236-98《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范》第11.3.5.7款与第11.3.5.8款以及GB 50235-97第7.4.3条制定的。
6.2 管道安装
SH 3503-2001对管道施工的交工技术表格有较详细规定,有关交工文件的内容及交份数、编制及交付等均应按照SH 3503-2001的要求执行。
7.2.6 This clause specifies two types of piping whose groove of welding joint need penetrant test, including piping with obvious inclination of harden quenching and piping with a lower limit value of standard tensile strengthσb≥540, or Cr-Mo alloy steel piping.
相互比较,本规范保留了转速<3000 r/min时的要求,因为转速小于3000 r/min的转动机器在石化行业里比较普遍。
7.4.9 Informed by Table 3, Table 4 and Table 9, for various steel grades, the maximum temperature range for heat treatment is50℃, while the minimum one is20℃. In order to ensure the quality of heat treatment, temperatures of all ?的影?N??hC ?? ??、制造条件等因素确定的。
! 以上内容是行业相关标准的节选,内容与标题没有直接的相关性,只是为了利于搜索引擎的收录。具体项目办理细节及流程欢迎您来电咨询,我们致力于把我们所擅长的项目做到最专业。
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et?nd?d ?? deration of various factors in respect of the welding joint, such as type of load, condition of service, influence of joint’s failure, material quality, condition for fabrication, etc..
7.4.12 This clause is formulated making reference to Clause 78 of Steam Boiler Safety Technology Supervision Order issued by Ministry of Labour in 1996, No. 276.
D0-管子外直径,mm;D0-outside diameter of pipe, mm
5.4 其他管道组成件检验
All welding joints for sampling test shall be confirmed by the inspector for welding quality. The number of fixed welding joint shall be more than 40% of the total sampled number. The quantity for test specified in Table 10 is the total quantity of rotating welding joint and fixed welding joint. Sampling test aims at showing the real technical skill of welders, which can avoid the specially welded joints or self-chosen joints by welders for inspection, so as to ensure the reliability of the welding joint.
8.3 气体泄漏性试验及真空度试验
7.5.6 标准抗拉强度下限值бb≥540 MPa的钢,在制作过程中有产生裂纹的倾向;Cr-Mo钢的淬硬倾向大,属裂纹敏感性材料,特别是经热处理后,再热裂纹敏感性显露出来,当抗变形能力低于实际的变形量时即形成裂纹;非奥氏体低温钢有淬硬性倾向,坡口热加工容易产生表面微裂纹,焊接后因冷却过快容易引起裂纹和淬硬现象。因此这类焊接接头进行检测,对保证安全使用是十分必要的。这类焊接接头施工时,要严格遵守相应规程的要求。
表4中列举了常用的几种钢管子冷弯后的热处理条件,表中未列入的钢种,应根据交货状态分别对待:热轧状态交货的非合金钢管,可按10、20钢的要求进行热处理;正火状态交货的钢管,当壁厚大于8 mm,管子冷弯后应进行退火热处理;调质状态交货的钢管不宜进行冷弯,否则弯管均应按原供货状态进行热处理。
8.2 管道系统吹扫
7.5.6 For steel with a lower limit value of standard tensile strengthбb≥540 MPa, it is inclined to produce crack during the process of fabrication. Cr-Mo steel has an obvious inclination of harden quenching, belonging to crack sensitive material; especially after heat treatment, the reheat crack sensitivity will appear; once the resistance to deformation is lower than the actual amount of deformation, crack will occur. Non- austenite low temperature steel has an inclination of harden quenching, whose groove easily produces surface tiny crack under heat processing; excessively sudden cooling after welding may cause crack and harden quenching. For the sake of safety, it is necessary to carry out inspection on these types of welding joints. In addition, the welding operation of these types of welding joints shall be strictly in conformity with the relevant specification.
Pt-试验压力,MPa;Pt-test pressure, MPa
Tolerance of flange parallelism depth and axiality
6.1.10 This clause specifies the critical technical requirements to be followed by the construction unit during the prefabrication of jacket pipe. If more detailed requirement is provided in the design document, this design document shall be complied with.
8.1 管道系统压力试验
8.2.1 Once the piping system passes the pressure test, sweeping shall be carried out prior to the gas leakage test. It is the most important means to keep the inner part of piping clean.
表10规定射线检测百分率和合格等级是参照GB 50236-98《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范》第11.3.5.7款与第11.3.5.8款以及GB 50235-97第7.4.3条制定的。
6.2 管道安装
SH 3503-2001对管道施工的交工技术表格有较详细规定,有关交工文件的内容及交份数、编制及交付等均应按照SH 3503-2001的要求执行。
7.2.6 This clause specifies two types of piping whose groove of welding joint need penetrant test, including piping with obvious inclination of harden quenching and piping with a lower limit value of standard tensile strengthσb≥540, or Cr-Mo alloy steel piping.
相互比较,本规范保留了转速<3000 r/min时的要求,因为转速小于3000 r/min的转动机器在石化行业里比较普遍。
7.4.9 Informed by Table 3, Table 4 and Table 9, for various steel grades, the maximum temperature range for heat treatment is50℃, while the minimum one is20℃. In order to ensure the quality of heat treatment, temperatures of all ?的影?N??hC ?? ??、制造条件等因素确定的。