厂商 :深圳市玖升义齿技术有限公司市场部
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 深圳义齿加工厂
- 中国义齿加工
- 中国假牙加工厂
If you are, or have you ever considered out sourcing your work, I would like to introduce to you, MYY Dental Laboratory.MYY Dental Lab was established in 2000, a manufacturer laboratory. In a beautiful coastal city of Shen Zhen, China. Shen Zhen happens to be located right next to Hong Kong, which gives it a major advantage in a business that relies on shipping and receiving from international clients. The reason is that Hong Kong is not affected by all the Chinese holidays. This means that cases can shipped or received during a holiday, which would close city Customs Offices. Awesome Image MYY Dental Lab has approximately 200 employees and is still growing. We serve many from the US as well Europe. MYY dental is registered with the and has an ISO13485 registration for our market. Accurately assess your dental condition Educate you about tooth replacement and other options Care for your overall well-being Provide safety, comfort and security in a warm and welcoming environment Help you afford the treatment you want and deserve Provide supportive hygiene care following treatment to help you maintain optimum results 关于我们的外包实验室 如果你是,或者你是否考虑过外包你的工作,我想 我向您介绍MYY牙科实验室。MYY牙科实验室成立于2000年,是一家生产实验室。在中国深圳一个美丽的海滨城市。 深圳恰好毗邻香港,这使其在一个依赖国际客户的货运和收货业务方面拥有重大优势。原因是香港并没有受到所有中国节日的影响。这意味着,箱子可以在假日期间运送或接收,这将使城市海关关闭。 MYY牙科实验室大约有200名员工,并仍在不断增长。我们为许多来自美国和欧洲的客户提供服务。MYY牙科是注册的,并有ISO13485注册为我们的市场。 准确评估你的牙齿状况 教育你有关牙齿替换和其他选择 关心你的整体健康 在一个温暖友好的环境中提供安全、舒适和保障 帮助你支付你想要和应得的治疗 治疗后提供支持性卫生护理,以帮助您保持最佳效果
- 深圳隐形正畸生产厂家 牙齿隐形矫正厂家 牙齿 隐形矫治器工厂
- 深圳义齿工厂提供3d打印定制透明牙齿矫正器 美国隐形牙齿矫正工厂
- 深圳二品牌牙套,牙套工厂,正畸牙套,正畸矫治牙套,矫治牙套,生产厂家
- 深圳义齿工厂 牙套牙齿矫正器透明隐形 隐形矫治,隐形矫正出口外贸
- 烤瓷牙加工、全瓷牙、烤瓷牙、种植牙 深圳义齿假牙加工厂
- 深圳假牙加工 烤瓷牙 隐形全口义 香港假牙加工厂供应商
- 香港活动_隐形_固定_义齿活动_隐形_固定_义齿_「深圳美牙牙」_假牙加工厂
- 深圳义齿外贸加工厂 出口到英国、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、美国法国
- 义齿工厂、深圳烤瓷牙生产定制销往美国、德国、法国、意大利、澳大利亚
- 种植牙进出口报关可以接国外产品订单 USA MYY Dental Lab