厂商 :深圳市玖升义齿技术有限公司市场部
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 深圳义齿加工厂
- 中国义齿加工
- 中国假牙加工厂

深圳市美牙牙义齿科技有限公司成立于2000年,国际化义齿加工领军企业,美牙牙拥有20年的义齿加工历史,一直以来都注重产品和服务质量,并以“做牙医的助手、促进医患和谐”为使命,积极开拓海外市场。2002年,率先与来自欧美、澳洲等国家和地区的高级技师进行义齿制作的培训和交流,引进了国际最先进的技术和精密仪器。 我们的产品深受这些诊所医生的认可,并提供为就诊患者使用。客服部门有20人,都是经专业知识培训的客服精英组成。客服团队为国内的授权诊所及消费者客户提供7X24小时的专业牙齿美容咨询和服务,一对一客 我们的主营品牌有数码品牌,包括超薄贴面、数码全锆牙、数码烤瓷牙、个性化种植基台、数码钢托等5大系列产品。同时还经营包括全瓷系列产品、纯钛钢托、弹性义齿、精密附着体、电脑全瓷等。所有的产品原料都是采用国际标准进口原材料,全程数字化加工生产。 2004年,在美国成立美牙牙义齿中心(USA MYY Dental Lab);2006年的德国齿科展组委会向美牙牙发出邀请;2008年,美牙牙中标成为美国十大连锁机构200多家诊所的义齿制作供应商;2006年,也在德国成立了美牙牙义齿中心(Germany MYY Dental Lab)……自此,美牙牙在欧美十几个国家和地区建立了庞大的信息交流、培训开发、产品配送等全球性的客户服务网络,彻底巩固了美牙牙在国际化义齿加工企业中的领导地位。 目前,国内市场部合作的诊所超过1200家,国外合作10多个国家。美牙牙,以深圳为据点,拥有国外市场及国内市场精锐营销团队,积极开拓国内外市场。目前,美牙牙的营销网络已遍布全球大部分区域,仅国内客户服务已全面涵盖200多个地区。 Founded in 2000, Shenzhen Meizong Denture Technology Co., Ltd. is an international leader in denture processing. With 20 years of denture processing history, Meizong has been focusing on product and service quality, and taking the mission of "being a dentist's assistant and promoting doctor-patient harmony" as its mission, actively exploring overseas markets. In 2002, WE took the lead in training and exchange of denture production with senior technicians from Europe, America, Australia and other countries and regions, and introduced the most advanced technology and precision instruments in the world. In 2004, USA MYY Dental Lab was established in the United States. In 2006, the organizing committee of the German Dental Exhibition sent out an invitation to Dentistry. In 2008, the company became the denture manufacturing supplier for more than 200 clinics of the top ten chain institutions in the United States. In 2006, the German MYY Dental Lab was also established in Germany... Since then, the company has established a huge global customer service network in more than a dozen countries and regions in Europe and the United States, including information exchange, training and development, product distribution, and so on, thoroughly consolidating the leading position of the company in international denture processing enterprises. At present, the domestic Marketing Department has cooperated with more than 1200 clinics and more than 10 foreign countries. Meiya, based in Shenzhen, has an elite marketing team in both foreign and domestic markets to actively explore the domestic and international markets. At present, the marketing network of Meyar has spread across most regions of the world, and only domestic customer service has fully covered more than 200 regions.-on-one customers

深圳隐形正畸生产厂家 牙齿隐形矫正厂家 牙齿 隐形矫治器工厂
深圳义齿工厂提供3d打印定制透明牙齿矫正器 美国隐形牙齿矫正工厂
深圳义齿工厂 牙套牙齿矫正器透明隐形 隐形矫治,隐形矫正出口外贸
烤瓷牙加工、全瓷牙、烤瓷牙、种植牙 深圳义齿假牙加工厂
深圳假牙加工 烤瓷牙 隐形全口义 香港假牙加工厂供应商
深圳义齿外贸加工厂 出口到英国、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、美国法国
myy Dental Lab/China Dental Lab/Outsourcing Dental Lab