厂商 :深圳市玖升义齿技术有限公司市场部
广东 深圳市- 主营产品:
- 深圳义齿加工厂
- 中国义齿加工
- 中国假牙加工厂

深圳市美牙牙义齿有限公司创办于2000年底,是一家集义齿科研、生产、销售、培训于一体,采用现代化、人性化的管理模式,正逐步发展成为中国影响力较大的义齿制作企业之一。 公司拥有专业的技工团队,掌握着欧美、港台等地区先进的牙科工艺技术。为不断提升员工技术,公司定期邀请口腔界教授和技工界知名人士临厂指导、教学。 公司精工制作的产品有:各种金属(钴铬合金、钝钛和贵金属等)瓷牙和金属冠、铸瓷、瓷贴面、瓷嵌体、马利兰桥、各种金属(钴铬合金和钝钛)支架、隐形义齿、二氧化锆、氧化铝瓷牙、各种高级精密附件及各类矫正器等。 公司拥有优秀的管理团队,管理人员都具有丰富的专业知识和管理经验,并且制定了严谨的培训方案和严格的检验程序,促使产品质量精益求精。为了加强临床和技工的沟通,公司不定期的邀请知名专家教授开展医技沟通会。 公司拥有高素质的营销团队,为广大客户提供方便快捷,热情周到的服务,已得到了广大客户的支持与信赖,业务拓展范围不断递增,已形成遍布全国的销售服务网络。 我们愿同海内外广大口腔界同仁携手并进,共同把握新时机,在为口腔医疗事业做出贡献的同时,创造事业的辉煌! 美牙牙义齿加工厂,专业义齿加工,义齿加工定制:CAD/CAM二氧化锆烤瓷牙、氧化铝烤瓷牙、纯钛烤瓷牙、贵金属烤瓷牙、假牙制作中心、各种全瓷冠、隐形义齿、纯钛支架。 With a floor area of 2000 square meters and as a full-service lab, MYY Dental Lab fabricates quality dental works like PFM, zirconia At present, our company has about 200 technicians, and most of them have over five years′ work experience, while some have over ten years′ experience. We produce and process almost all kinds of dental works. Generally, our products can be divided into two categories-fixed prostheses and remMYY Dental Laboratory is an ISO and FDA certificated high quality China dental lab in Shenzhen. ovable prostheses, including non-precious, semi-precious and precious porcelain and metal crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, veneer, post cores, cercon crowns and bridges, and empress crowns, inlays, onlays, veneer and cores and kinds of denture works. Our dental works have been exported to many countries, such as France, Australia, Denmark, Puerto Rico and Portugal. We are vigorously developing overseas markets and expecting to establish business relationships with more overseas fraternity. To provide our customers with dental works of high technology content and excellent quality, we use advanced technology, devices and imported materials from Germany, America, Japan and Switzerland. Customer′s satisfaction is the most fundamental requirement to us. Company: Shenzhen MYY Denture International Processing Plant

深圳隐形正畸生产厂家 牙齿隐形矫正厂家 牙齿 隐形矫治器工厂
深圳义齿工厂提供3d打印定制透明牙齿矫正器 美国隐形牙齿矫正工厂
深圳义齿工厂 牙套牙齿矫正器透明隐形 隐形矫治,隐形矫正出口外贸
深圳假牙加工 烤瓷牙 隐形全口义 香港假牙加工厂供应商
深圳义齿外贸加工厂 出口到英国、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、美国法国
种植牙进出口报关可以接国外产品订单 USA MYY Dental Lab
myy Dental Lab/China Dental Lab/Outsourcing Dental Lab