厂商 :商丘鑫程餐具有限公司
河南 商丘- 主营产品:

通常,每个外出就餐的人都担心餐具不卫生,会导致腹泻。引起腹泻的细菌通常是gan gan,沙门氏菌,火弧菌和蜡状孢子。这些细菌通常会在100摄氏度的水中死亡三分钟。在水温为80摄氏度的情况下,它需要10分钟才能死亡,某些细菌(如棕褐色)可能需要更高的温度才能死亡。简单地将其燃烧,就无法在温度和时间上达到灭菌条件(酒店的免费开水温度为70-80摄氏度,很少达到100摄氏度,燃烧需要十秒钟。长度不够,只能去除餐具上残留的清洁剂以及灰尘和污渍。

Three-piece set of disposable crystal tableware ——: restaurants, hotels, food stalls, barbecue stalls, tourist attractions and other places of catering (high,饭店玉米淀粉餐具厂家哪家好, medium and high-end products), high transparency, can be directly visible through the naked eye with impurities and stains Whether there is fingerprint or scratch to judge the quality of the product,饭店玉米淀粉餐具厂家价格, whether it is used twice or not, it is clean and visible. Really let the consumer 'look at the comfort, use the rest assured'! ◎ Aseptic production of high precision equipment:
The crystal tableware adopts high-precision automatic equipment, high-temperature injection molding, and finally, after ultraviolet sterilization, the automatic assembly line is aseptically packaged; its impact resistance and pressure resistance are 2-5 times of the same plastic tableware. ◎ exquisite craftsmanship, smooth hand:
Crystal clear and crystal clear, can form a huge impact on the visual. The hardness and thickness are moderate, and the smooth feel and crystal-like texture bring a new experience of new disposable tableware.

1.消毒餐具骨瓷添加40%骨粉,但新骨瓷不添加; 2,骨瓷烧制过程复杂,多次烧制,新骨瓷只烧一次; 3,骨瓷比新骨瓷更白,更轻,而且看起来更漂亮。怎么说呢? 1,价格:一般太便宜的骨瓷消毒餐具要小心,见标有成分的,不要被名称欺骗; 2,透光:将骨瓷放在灯泡上,榆林饭店玉米淀粉餐具厂家,如果透明明亮,则为骨瓷; 3,声音:用手指轻拂外壁,如听到清脆,响亮的声音,通常是骨瓷。骨瓷消毒餐具一直比较昂贵,因为它的材料精美,生产相当令人震惊,而且烧制过程也要求很高。无论是从白度,透明度还是规则性来看,都具有极高的要求,并且收率不高。独特的烧制工艺和加入的骨粉使骨瓷比普通的瓷器显得更白,更细腻,饭店玉米淀粉餐具厂家招商,并且透明,轻巧,吱吱作响,而且很难燃烧。