厂商 :商丘鑫程餐具有限公司
河南 商丘- 主营产品:

Three-piece set of disposable crystal tableware ——: restaurants, hotels, food stalls, barbecue stalls, tourist attractions and other places of catering (high, medium and high-end products), high transparency, can be directly visible through the naked eye with impurities and stains Whether there is fingerprint or scratch to judge the quality of the product, whether it is used twice or not, it is clean and visible. Really let the consumer 'look at the comfort, use the rest assured'! ◎ Aseptic production of high precision equipment:
The crystal tableware adopts high-precision automatic equipment,环保玉米淀粉餐具批发, high-temperature injection molding, and finally,玉米淀粉餐具批发, after ultraviolet sterilization, the automatic assembly line is aseptically packaged; its impact resistance and pressure resistance are 2-5 times of the same plastic tableware. ◎ exquisite craftsmanship, smooth hand:
Crystal clear and crystal clear, can form a huge impact on the visual. The hardness and thickness are moderate, and the smooth feel and crystal-like texture bring a new experience of new disposable tableware.


秸秆玉米淀粉餐具批发-玉米淀粉餐具批发-鑫程餐具厂家直销由商丘鑫程餐具有限公司提供。商丘鑫程餐具有限公司(www.jsedu114.cn)实力雄厚,信誉可靠,在河南 商丘 的一次性餐具等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。公司精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念将引领鑫程餐具和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!同时本公司(www.cdhuatian.cn)还是从事河南一次性水晶餐具,水晶餐具,商丘一次性餐盒的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。