厂商 :东莞贵林电子材料有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 防水中接端子
- 铁氟龙热缩管
- 耐高温热缩管
Medium wall for pipeline corrosion protection
AFF is mastic lined tubing and designed specially for protecting of metal pipe joint, soil nails and other connectors requiring environmental sealing. The radiation cross-linked polyolefin backing provide effective mechanical protection and specially formulated adhesive keeps out water and moisture.
?Shrinkable Ratio: 3:1
?Resistant to UV radiation
?Bitumen hot-melt adhesive layer
?Excellent corrosion resistance and superior mechanical protection
Operating temperature range
操作温度: -35℃ ~ 110℃
最低收缩温度: 90℃
最低完全收缩温度: 120℃
?Operating temperature : -35℃ ~ 110℃
?Minimum shrink temperature : 90℃
?Minimum fully recovery temperature : 120℃
Product Dimension(产品规格)
Part Number 产品型号 |
As supplied收缩前(mm) |
After recovery收缩后(mm) |
Standard Length(Meter) 标准长度(米) |
I.D. (min)内径 |
I.D. (max)内径 |
W.T(min)壁厚 |
AFF033 |
33 |
8 |
2.5 |
1.22 |
AFF040 |
40 |
12 |
2.5 |
1.22 |
AFF055 |
55 |
20 |
2.0 |
1.22 |
AFF075 |
75 |
25 |
2.0 |
1.22 |
AFF095 |
95 |
30 |
2.0 |
1.22 |
AFF120 |
120 |
40 |
2.0 |
1.22 |
AFF140 |
140 |
50 |
2.3 |
1.22 |
AFF160 |
160 |
50 |
2.3 |
1.22 |
AFF180 |
180 |
66 |
2.5 |
1.22 |
AFF205 |
205 |
70 |
2.5 |
1.22 |
AFF235 |
235 |
80 |
2.5 |
1.22 |
AFF265 |
265 |
75 |
3.0 |
1.22 |
AFF300 |
300 |
85 |
3.0 |
1.22 |
AFF350 |
350 |
100 |
3.0 |
1.22 |
AFF380 |
380 |
150 |
3.5 |
1.22 |
AFF410 |
410 |
150 |
4.0 |
1.22 |
技术性能Technical Data |
性能 Property |
测试方法 Test Method |
结果 Typical Value |
操作温度 Operating temperature |
IEC 216 |
-35℃~ +110℃ |
抗张强度 Tensile strength |
ASTM D 2671 |
>14 MPa |
断裂拉伸度 Elongation at break |
ASTM D 2671 |
> 400% |
密度 Density |
ASTM D 792 |
1.05g/cm3 |
纵向伸长率 Longitudinal shrinkage |
UL 224 |
0 ~ 10% |
离心率 Eccentricity |
ASTM D 2671 |
<30% |
老化断裂拉伸度 Elongation at break after aging |
150℃, 168hrs |
>300% |
绝缘强度 Dielectric strength |
IEC 243 |
>20KV/mm |
体积电阻率 Volume resistance |
IEC 93 |
>1014Ω.cm |
铜稳定性 Copper stability |
ASTM D 2671 |
Pass |
压力破裂抵抗性 (50℃)Coppe Resistance to stress cracking (50℃) |
ASTM D 1693 |
No cracking |
冷弯曲(-55℃) Cold bend test(-55℃/4hrs) |
ASTM D 2671 |
No cracking |
热熔胶 Thermoplastic black sealant mastic |
性能 Property |
测试方法 Test Method |
结果 Typical Value |
吸水率 Water absorption |
ISO 62 |
<0.1% |
软化温度 Softening point |
ASTM D E28 |
80℃ |
对不锈钢的剥离强度 Peel strength to stainless steel |
ASTM D 1000 |
50N/25mm |
铜稳定性 r stability |
ASTM D 2671 |
Non-corrosive |
腐蚀抵抗性 /4hrs)Resistance to fungus and decay |
ISO 846 |
Pass |
Standard color : Black
Special size, cutting pieces are available on request