
厂商 :万松堂(广州)生物科技有限公司

广东 广州
  • 主营产品:
  • 银杏黄精茶
  • 袋泡茶
  • 营养餐粉
联系电话 :13902212797

广州万松堂大量供应英文版巴马汤bama herbs.正品厂家代加工巴马汤.

万松堂瑶族巴马汤是由万松堂集团多年的足浴包生产加工经验,传承国医之精华,创新草本之炒用。利用现代生物制药提纯、萃取,研制成可活血通络、祛病养生,有消脚疾、保护心脑、美容驻 颜等多种养生功效的“巴马汤”草本浴足粉。本产品适用人群广,适合三高、闭经、痛经、血脉不畅,心脑血管不不畅人群的通过足疗保健养生,同时也是馈赠亲 人、长辈、朋友之佳品。送礼送健康,爱他/她就从爱她的脚开始!

  英文版巴马汤bama herbs.正品厂家代加工巴马汤





  瑶族医药传承千年 Yao Medicine inherited the millennium in china

  外用:10g*20袋 External use: 10g * 20sachets

  万松堂健康集团有限公司研制Supervisor: Wansong Tang Health Group Co., Ltd

  广州万松堂生物科技有限公司 出品 Manufacturer: Suizhou Wansong Tang Kanghui Health Product Co., Ltd


  英文版巴马汤bama herbs中东出口贸易巴马草本足浴粉现货!正品厂家代加工巴马汤

  Chinese health theory Hua Tuo Sole Centre Dao believes that“soaking feet in the spring, open Yang; in the summer, remove heat; in the autumn, moisten lung and bowels; in the winter, warm the belly”.



  "A walk after dinner, one pot of bathtub soup before bedtime," which is often the Yao peoples living habits. "Pot of bathtub soup" refers to using herbs to soak foot, Yao elderly live longer, less disease, physically strong are all associated with this.

  Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor records: meridians, the birth of people and disease comes into being. Yao Foam foot health principles is based on the "meridians philosophy" and "foot reflexology" for the health mechanism. Mainly through foot bath thermal energy principle, making Yao herb’s unique elements along the body meridians to run into the body through the soles of the foot, is Yao common illnesses and physical methods.


  瑶族医药传承千年、自成一体,具有极其鲜明的民族、地域及文化特色,瑶族药浴与京剧、针灸等,一起入选2008年世界非物质文化遗产。英文版巴马汤bama herbs中东出口贸易巴马草本足浴粉现货!正品厂家代加工巴马汤

  Millennium heritage

  Yao medicine has inherited the millennium in china and has expanded into a group of its own. With a very distinctive ethnic, geographic and cultural characteristics, Yao medicated bath along with Peking Opera, acupuncture and moxibustion etc, has been selected as 2008 World Intangible Cultural Heritage.


  英文版巴马汤bama herbs中东出口贸易巴马草本足浴粉现货!正品厂家代加工巴马汤万松堂健康集团是一家专门研发、生产与经营养生茶、传统茶叶、保健食品、医疗器械、生物制品等的现代化企业,公司始创于1996年,以广州万松堂生物科技有限公司为生产销售基地,近20年发展,产品销售网络遍及海内外。

