厂商 :鞍山安思罗斯环保有限公司
辽宁 鞍山市- 主营产品:
- 进口臭氧浓度检测仪
- 进口臭氧浓度分析仪
- 进口臭氧水浓度检测仪
德国anseros大型臭氧发生器ANSEROS com-vd
LNSHARK@163.COM QQ 271601004 Mr. WANG
Sterilized water for human consumption Round the world many of the water chemists and scientists have found the ozone as a perfect agent for water treatment and guarranty health of people(2). The Federal DrugAdministration (FDA) has published aCTValue paper, where ozone concentration and reaction timeis given to kill bacterias and virus (3) in the right manner. For the storage, distribution, bottling and further processing ozone have to remain in the water. For immediate consumption by humans and animals a limited value exists, like below 0.01 mg. 03/ltr., as given by different national standards (4). The European Commitee for Standardization (CEN) has now published the new guidelines CEN/TR 14740 for treatment of water by ozone intended for human consumption(1) Leading nations, like USA and China have introduced as well the use of ozone for disinfection instead of chlorine, which makes unacceptable cancergenous organic contaminations. |