
厂商 :深圳美氏康宁胶业

广东 深圳
  • 主营产品:
  • 酸性胶
  • 耐候胶
  • 结构胶
联系电话 :13926500079
“MEISHI793A” Weather proofing silicone sealant is a neutral cure  silicone sealant:1)Not corrosion to the materials;2)Low shrinkage on curing;3)Keep elastic in low(-45℃) and high(+150℃) temperatures; 4)High grade soft,be able to bear oscillation; 5)Suitable for glass,aluminum  material,stone,concrete,brick,ceramic,plastic,non-structural sealing.DIRECTIONS:1)Construcation applycabie between 5℃~40℃;2)Substrates should be solvent cleaned using two clothes method;3)Cut the nozzle to desired opening at 45°angle ;4)Fill the joint completely;5)Formation of skin in 25 minutes.IMPORTANT:1)Please do material compatibility testing before use;2)Do not use in structural applications or where surface temperatures exceed 45℃ for materialsafety;3)Incompatible oozing out oily or solvents.PRECAUTIONS:Keep out of the reach of children!Avoid contact with eyes and skin!In case of contact,flush with lot water;If still indisposed,consult a doctor.STANDARS: GB/T14683-2003.DURABILITY: 9Months(<24℃).