
厂商 :霄汉实业发展(广州)有限公司

广东 广州市
  • 主营产品:
  • 不锈钢反应釜
  • 高真空乳化反应釜
  • 分子蒸馏装置
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分子蒸馏装置 Molecular Distillation Unit

分子蒸馏装置介绍 In t roduction To Molecular Distillation Unit



Molecular distillation is a special liquid-liquid separation technology. It is different from traditional distillation. It depends on the boiling point difference separation principle, but is related to the molecular weight of the distilled mixture. It can realize the operation far away from the boiling point. The greater the molecular weight difference, the greater the molecular free path difference, and the purer the distillate. The molecular free path here λ Is the distance tra veled between two adjacent collisions of a molecule.

Under the condition of high vacuum, the liquid mixture flows along the heating plate and is heated. According to the different molecular a verage free path of substances with different molecular weight, the size and degree of evaporation of their molecular a verage free path between the vaporization surface and the condensation surface are also significantly different. The molecular a verage free path of light component molecules is large, while the molecular a verage free path of recombinant component molecules is small, So that the light component can just reach the condensing plate and be condensed, lea ving it along the condensing plate; The recombinant molecules are left along the heating plate because they can not reach the condensing plate, so as to separate different substances.

技术特点 Technical Features


1.   远低于物料沸点的温度下操作,而且物料停留时间短;利于高沸点、热敏及易氧化物料的分离;

2.   有效地脱除液体中的物质如有机溶剂、臭味等,对于采用溶剂萃取后液体的脱溶是非常有效的方法;

3.   可有选择蒸挥发出产物,去除其它杂质,通过多级分离可同时分离2种以上的物质;

4.   可有效地脱除轻分子物质(脱臭)、重分子物质(脱色)及脱除混合物中杂质;

5.   其分离过程为物理分离过程,可很好地保护被分离物质不被污染,特别是可保持天然提取物原来的品质;

6.   没有沸腾鼓泡现象,分子蒸馏是液层表面上的自由蒸发,在低压力下进行,液体中无溶解的空气,因此在蒸馏过程中不能使整个液体沸腾,没有鼓泡现象;

7.   分离度高,高于传统蒸馏及普通的薄膜蒸发器;

8.   容易形成连续化生产,操作简单;

9.   分子蒸馏的蒸程短,分子平均自由程一般不超过25mm,能耗小。

10. 进料罐可选实现预加热功能,预热温度可以调节;

11. 各个接口采用的是氟胶垫片进行密封,气密性好,如客户需要耐腐蚀可以更换成四氟材质。

As a high-tech separation technology synchronized with the world, molecular distillation technology has incomparable advantages over other separation technologies:

1.    Operate at a temperature far below the boiling point of the material, and the residence time of the material is short; It is conducive to the separation of high boiling point, heat sensitive and easily oxidized materials;

2.    Effectively remove substances in liquid, such as organic solvent and odor, which is a very effective method for the desolvation of liquid after solvent extraction;

3.    The product can be evaporated selectively to remove other impurities. More than 2 substances can be separated at the same time through multistage separation;

4.    It can effectively remove light molecular substances (deodorization), hea vy molecular substances (decolorization) and impurities in the mixture;

5.    The separation process is a physical separation process, which can well protect the separated substances from pollution, especially maintain the original quality of the natural extract;

6.    There is no boiling and bubbling phenomenon. Molecular distillation is free evaporation on the surface of the liquid layer. It is carried out under low pressure and there is no dissolved air in the liquid. Therefore, the whole liquid cannot boil and there is no bubbling phenomenon in the distillation process;

7.    High separation, higher than traditional distillation and ordinary thin film evaporator;

8.    Easy to form continuous production and simple operation;

9.    Molecular distillation has a short evaporation range, the a verage free path of the molecule is generally no more than 25mm, and the energy consumption is small.

10.  The feed tank can optionally realize the pre heating function, and the preheating temperature can be adjusted;

11.  Each interface is sealed with fluororubber gasket with good air tightness. If the customer needs corrosion resistance, it can be replaced with Teflon material.

应用范围 Application Scope




instead of conventional falling film evaporator, it can be used for distillation, purification, concen t ration and decolorization of petrochemical and chemical products;

it is especially suitable for distillation and refining of heat sensitive and easily oxidized chemical industrial products;

it can also be used for distillation and separation of products with high boiling point;

典型应用 Typical Applications

多不饱和脂肪酸(油酸、亚麻酸、鱼油脂肪酸(乙 酯)及其衍生物的蒸馏精制;







distillation and refining of polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linolenic acid, fish oil fatty acid (ethyl ester) and their derivatives;

refining of monoglyceride;

refining of dimer acid;

refining of VE and phytosterol;

distillation of liquid crystal;

monomer removal by high polymer;

refining of other heat sensitive products;

技术参数 Technical Parameter

产品型号 Product Model MSPE80 MSPE100 MSPE150 MSPE200 MSPE230 MSPE10M MSPE20M MSPE30M
蒸发面积 Evaporation Area 0.1㎡ 0.15㎡ 0.25㎡ 0.35㎡ 0.5㎡ 0.8㎡ 1㎡ 2㎡
冷凝面积 Condensation Area 0.15㎡ 0.25㎡ 0.45㎡ 0.55㎡ 0.65㎡ 1.0㎡ 1.5㎡ 3㎡
进料容积 Feed Volume 10L 10L 15L 20L 50L 100L 100L 200L
电机功率 Motor Power 120W 120W 120W 180W 370W 750W 1100W 1500W
z u i大转速 Maximum Speed 50~450rpm/Min
轻组分收集瓶 Light Component Collection Bottle 1L 2L 3L 10L 30L 50L 50L 100L
重组成收集瓶 Reconstituted Collecting Bottle 1L 2L 3L 10L 30L 50L 50L 100L
冷井 Cold Well 有(ha ve)
冷却装置 Cooling System 有(ha ve)
