厂商 :宁津达沃斯工程塑料有限公司
山东 德州市- 主营产品:
- 超高分子量聚乙烯板材
- 护舷贴面板
- 支腿垫板

轮滑场防护栏围挡A鹤山轮滑场防护栏围挡厂家定制 轮滑场防护栏围挡A鹤山轮滑场防护栏围挡厂家定制 轮滑场防护栏围挡具有以下特点: The protective fence of roller skating ground has the following characteristics: 1.耐磨性能非常好:静摩擦系数为0.07; Wear resistance is very good: static friction coefficient is 0.07; 2.自润滑性: 表面光滑、无粗糙; Self-lubrication: smooth surface, no roughness 3.抗冲击性:抗冲击性有效减少因碰撞而出现的损伤 Impact resistance: impact resistance effectively reduces damage caused by collision 4.耐腐蚀性 Corrosion resistance: It can resist the corrosion of phosphoric acid, alkali, salt, etc. 5.不粘附性:表面张力小不易结垢; Non-adherence: Small surface tension is not easy to scale; 6.抗静电性:抗静电系数10的3到6次方; Antistatic property: the third to sixth power of antistatic coefficient 10 7.防紫外线:长期使用可使用数年,也可拆卸变更场地。 radiation: Long-term use can be used for several years, but also can be disassembled to change the site

超高分子量聚乙烯板材 护舷贴面板 支腿垫板 高密度聚乙烯 铺路板 冰球场围栏 合成冰 防辐射屏蔽材