厂商 :宁津达沃斯工程塑料有限公司
山东 德州市- 主营产品:
- 超高分子量聚乙烯板材
- 护舷贴面板
- 支腿垫板

球场抗撞击围栏A广汉球场抗撞击围栏A 球场抗撞击围栏厂家 球场抗撞击围栏A广汉球场抗撞击围栏A 球场抗撞击围栏厂家 具有防腐、防老化、抗晒、耐候、色彩鲜亮、表面平整,不易受外力撞击变形、现场施工安装、灵活性强(可根据现场要求随时调整造型和尺寸)。 冰球场分场防撞围栏PE板优势 具有重量轻、抗冲击、耐磨损、耐腐蚀、抗紫外线、抗水吸潮、耐老化、摩擦系数小、无毒性、无污染、不易沾附异物、吸震防噪声,即使在;零下150℃以也不易脆裂,仍有一定的机械性能。 It has anti-corrosion, anti-aging, anti-sunshine, weather resistance, bright color, smooth surface, not easy to be affected by external forces, deformation, site construction and installation, flexibility (can adjust the shape and size according to site requirements at any time). PE board advantage of collision-proof fence in ice hockey course It has light weight, impact resistance, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, moisture absorption resistance, aging resistance, small friction coefficient, non-toxicity, pollution-free, non-easy to adhere to foreign bodies, shock absorption and noise prevention, even at the temperature below 150 C, it is not easy to crack, and it still has certain mechanical properties 组成部分:白色PE板+蓝色/红色扶手+黄色踢脚线+铁质喷涂/铝合金制框架+三角架组成 挡板颜色:常规白色或按客户要求生产 我公司产品远销国内外市场,遍布全球各地。您的满意就是我们的追求! ! !我们秉持永远让客户满意理念,以持续改进为手段,杜绝有 瑕疵产品流向客户,是我公司的永恒追求。让供求双方互利共赢,欢迎您随时来电!

超高分子量聚乙烯板材 护舷贴面板 支腿垫板 高密度聚乙烯 铺路板 冰球场围栏 合成冰 防辐射屏蔽材