厂商 :乐清市风神电器有限公司
浙江 温州市- 主营产品:
- 交流接触器
- 小型断路器
- 万能式断路器
联系电话 :18967728526
AC30模数化插座多功能插座 16A
AC30 series module socket,multi-functionalsockets are operating in the load cir
cuit of voltage230/400V,AC50/60Hz,current up to 25A,coop-erated with termination device,widely for high
车站、港口、医院、写字楼 、试验室及住宅等场所。
buildings,mineral enterprises,station,port,hospital,commercial building,test lab and livingapartment and etc.
Executed standard:single phase socket:GB1002Three-phase socketGb1003
AC30模数化插座多功能插座 16A主要技术参数Main Technical data
极数Polenumber: 2 3 3 4 4
模数/宽度Moclule/width : 1/18 2/36 2/36 3/54 4/72
额定电压(V)Ratedvoltage: 230 230/400 230/400 400 400
额定电流(A) Ratedcurrent(V): 10 10 16 16 25
类似型号规格Sinmilar modeland specification ; AC30-10/2 AC30-10/3 AC30-16/3 AC30-16/4 AC30-25/4备注Note: 二孔插座Two-hole socket 三孔插座Three-hole socket 三孔插座Three-hole socket 四孔插座Four-hole socket 四孔插座Fourhole socket