厂商 :上海庾合实业有限公司
上海市 上海市- 主营产品:
- 3M胶带
- ITW产品
- 泰杨洗手液
泰扬Permatex绝缘调节油脂81150 67VR 22058 09180Permatex Dielectric Tune-up Grease81150
Protects electrical connections and wiring from salt, dirt and corrosion. Extends the life of bulb sockets. Prevents voltage leakage around any electrical connection. Also prevents spark plugs from fusing to boots. Required for modern high energy ignition systems.Extends the life of bulb socketsPrevents voltage leakage around any electrical connectionPrevents spark plugs from fusing to bootsRequired for modern high energy ignition systemsSuggested Applications: Marine and automotive electrical connections, spark plug boots, trailer hitches, battery terminals
产品编号 容器大小 包装数量 产品代号 67VR 0.33盎司软管,附在纸卡上 12 81150 22058 3盎司软管,附在纸卡上 6 22058 09180 5克袋装,用盒子装 36 09180*

代理美国泰扬牌permatex20539印第安人密封胶 51-1垫圈胶 permatex20539
泰扬牌Permatex80208石墨基抗咬合润滑剂 泰扬咬合润滑剂
美国泰扬Permatex 普鲁士蓝(蓝丹)80038普鲁士蓝油(蓝丹)
美国泰扬泰扬Permatex超黑超强抗油防漏抗震硅胶垫片密封胶24105 泰扬24105
美国泰扬Permatex the Right Stuff GASKET Maker即时密封剂33694 泰扬33694
泰扬牌PERMATEX81730/65AR流质硅橡胶密封剂 风挡密封胶 permatex81730
现货美国泰扬牌permatex89145 599BR超级灰色硅橡胶 泰扬超灰垫片胶
现货美国泰扬牌PERMATEX82180超级黑色硅橡胶泰扬24105 泰扬超黑垫片胶
泰扬牌Permatex绝缘调节油脂22058电子接头机械化键盘键盘卫星轴 泰扬22058
美国泰扬牌80011垫圈密封剂油底壳密封胶 Permatex 80011