厂商 :上海庾合实业有限公司
上海市 上海市- 主营产品:
- 3M胶带
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泰扬牌Permatex即时垫片胶 33694
Permatex the Right Stuff GASKET Maker 33694
1. 清理、干燥螺栓
2. 将The Right Stuff系列产品涂在表面上,填充螺栓螺纹
3. 5分钟内安装螺栓螺、拧紧,胶体会填满螺纹表面,设备可立刻开始投入使用。
* 不可用于有油接触的部位。
Permatex the Right Stuff GASKET Maker
replacement has brought its share of headaches to today's automotive technician.
Older parts no longer match, new and difficult-to-seal surfaces are more common and locating the right replacement gasket is a chore...
Permatex?, the first name in sealing engines, presents the Right Stuff Gasket Maker - a new solution for these frustrating situations. The Right Stuff instantly makes gaskets
that are more reliable and longer lasting than cut gaskets, and at a fraction of the cost
This elastomeric rubber technology is blowout resistant and outperforms pre-cut gaskets. It also protects against leaks caused by vibration and thermal expansion.
The Right Stuff is OEM specified and proven effective in millions of miles of fleet testing.
Resistant to ATF, coolant, oil and other shop fluids, it is sensor-safe and operates in environments with temperature ranges from -75°F to 450°F (-59°C to 232°C) continuous, 500°F (260°C) intermittent
With cars in service longer and more new models arriving every year, gasket
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