厂商 :广东新邦乐科技有限公司
- 主营产品:
- 涂料专用水洗高岭土
- 粘合剂专用水洗高岭土
- 颜料专用水洗高岭土
联系电话 :13925072669
精选陶瓷 专用水洗高岭土系列产品白度高、细度好、悬浮性好,广泛用于陶瓷制釉行业。产品能改善陶瓷胚体表面性能,降低气孔率。辅助提高釉料悬浮性,改善浆料性能和釉料涂层均匀性。
The product of high degree of whiteness, fineness and suspension of the special ceramic water kaolin series are widely used in the ceramic glaze industry. The product can improve the surface properties of the ceramic embryo and reduce the porosity of the ceramic. Improve glaze suspension, improve pulp properties and glaze coating uniformity.
