厂商 :广东新邦乐科技有限公司
- 主营产品:
- 涂料专用水洗高岭土
- 粘合剂专用水洗高岭土
- 颜料专用水洗高岭土
联系电话 :13925072669
V 系列煅烧高岭土采用湿法剥片、煅烧、分级技术精制而成。其具有白度高颜色纯正、悬浮性好、粒度分布窄、易分散、遮盖力强、吸油量低等特点。在乳胶漆中能够提供优良的色延展性,改善颜料的抗浮色和发花的弊病,提高漆膜的丰满度、耐磨性和漆膜的抗污性,并具有改善涂料的贮存和开罐观感效果。由于它具有较好的遮盖力,可减少昂贵的钛白粉用量,大幅度降低涂料成本。本品广泛应用于乳胶漆、粉末涂料、阴阳极电泳漆、路标漆等领域。
V series calcined kaolin,The products are characterized as pure and stable brightness, high suspension, superfine particle size with easy dispersion and low screen residue, strong opacity, excellent compatibility with other pigment and adhesive etc. When applied to emulsion paint V series calcined kaolin can reduce titanium dioxide's dosage, strong adhesion and hard to deposit, which can lower costs and improve the whole appearance and quality of coatings.
