厂商 :东莞中赛电子仪器有限公司
广东 东莞- 主营产品:
- 频谱分析仪
- 频率计
- 音频分析仪
联系电话 :13556784911
The electron measures signal generator of Rohde&Schwarz SMA100A 3G of signal generator of 1.65-3GHz of instrument signal generator | Lord and Shiwaci | 9kHz comes 3GHz/6GHzz
Rohde%26amp;Schwarz SMA100A 6G射頻信號發生器羅德施瓦茨9kHz-3G/6GHz
品牌:德國R/S羅德施瓦茨Rohde%26amp;Schwarz R%26amp;S
The R%26amp;SSMA100A combines superior signal quality with very high settingspeed, which makes it ideal for any task. Whethask. Whether in development,production, service or maintenance, the R%26amp;S SMA100A does anexcellent job.
In thefrequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, it can generate CW signals aswell as all common types of analog modulation (AM, FM, %26phi;M, pulsemodulation). Excellent specifications and a wide range ofmodulation signals %26ndash; these are the characteristic features of theR%26amp;S%26reg; SMA100A. In addition, a low-jitter clock synthesizeroption supplies differential clock signals of up to 1.5 GHzindependently of the RF frequency.
Excellent signal quality
*Very low SSBphase noise of typ. %26ndash;135 dBc (20 kHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz measurement bandwidth), typ. %26ndash;140 dBc with the Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance option (R%26amp;S SMA-B22)
*Wideband noiseof typ. %26ndash;160 dBc (%26gt;10 MHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement bandwidth)
*Nonharmonicsof typ. %26ndash;100 dBc (%26gt;10 kHz carrier offset, f %26lt; 1500 MHz, withthe R%26amp;S SMA-B22 option)
Ideal for use in production
*Very shortfrequency and level setting times of %26lt;3 ms across the entirefrequency and level range, %26lt;450 %26mu;s in the listmode
*Fast hoppingmode with flexibly addressable frequency and level pairs, as fastas normal list mode
*Frequencysetting time of typ. %26lt;10 %26mu;s within a bandwidth of 40 MHz due todirect access to the DDS-based synthesizer (with the R%26amp;SSMA-B20 or -B22 option)
*Electronicattenuator with built-in overvoltage protection over entirefrequency range
*High outputpower of up to +18 dBm, overrange +28 dBm
*Very highlevel accuracy and repeatability
Mil / Aero applications
*Pulsemodulator with excellent characteristics (on/off ratio %26gt;80 dB,rise/fall time typ. 10 ns)
*Pulsegenerator integrated as standard
*Optionalhigh-performance pulse generator with minimum pulse width of 20 ns(R%26amp;S SMA-K23)
*OptionalVOR/ILS modulation (R%26amp;S%26reg; SMA-K25)
All-purpose instrument
*Frequencyrange of 9 kHz to 3 GHz / 6 GHz
*Frequency,level and LF sweeps
*AM, broadbandFM/%26phi;M (R%26amp;S SMA-B20 or -B22), pulse modulation
*Built-in LFgenerator up to 1 MHz, optional multifunction generator (R%26amp;SSMA-K24) up to 10 MHz
*Optionallow-jitter clock synthesizer up to 1.5 GHz (R%26amp;SSMA-B29)
Intuitive operating concept
*Intuitive userinterface with graphical display of signal flow (blockdiagram)
*Context-sensitive online help
Versatile interfaces
*Remote controlvia GPIB or LAN
*USB connectors(e.g. for keyboard, mouse, memory stick)
*Connector forR%26amp;S%26reg; NRP power sensors for precise powermeasurements
*SelectableSCPI- or 8662A/63A-compatible IEC/IEEE bus commandset
*Control viaremote operation tool (e.g. VNC)
中赛仪器库存大量各种高频仪器现货特价出售中本公司长期现金回购各种高频仪器 联糸人;张彬 13556784911/18922936706电话;0769-33355531传真; 0769-23362124
1、与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的供货期要短的多。在 时间就是市场的今天,优势无疑是最为明显的。
2、二手仪器的价格便宜,基本为新购仪器价格的20%~50%。在电子技术迅 速发展的今天,仪器的更新也在加快,投资越少则风险越小。
由非 本公司授权机构、人员拆卸而造成的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏;
Lord of signal generator of radio frequency of Rohde&Schwarz SMA100A 6G applies 9kHz-3G/6GHz of made of baked clay Ci
Brand: German R/S Lord applies Rohde&Schwarz R&S of made of baked clay Ci
The R&The R&SSMA100A Combines Superior Signal Quality With Very High Settingspeed, which Makes It Ideal For Any Task. Whether In Development, production, service Or Maintenance, the R&S SMA100A Does Anexcellent Job.
In Thefrequency Range From 9 KHz To 6 GHz, it Can Generate CW Signals Aswell As All Common Types Of Analog Modulation (AM, FM, φM, pulsemodulation) . Excellent Specifications And A Wide Range Ofmodulation Signals–These Are The Characteristic Features Of TheR&S®SMA100A. In Addition, a Low-jitter Clock Synthesizeroption Supplies Differential Clock Signals Of Up To 1.5 GHzindependently Of The RF Frequency.
Excellent Signal Quality
*Very Low SSBphase Noise Of Typ. –135 DBc (20 KHz Carrier Offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz Measurement Bandwidth) , typ. –140 DBc With The Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance Option (R&S SMA-B22)
*Wideband Noiseof Typ. –160 DBc (>10 MHz Carrier Offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement Bandwidth)
*Nonharmonicsof Typ. –100 DBc (>10 KHz Carrier Offset, F<1500 MHz, withthe R&S SMA-B22 Option)
Ideal For Use In Production
*Very Shortfrequency And Level Setting Times Of <3 Ms Across The Entirefrequency And Level Range, <450 μs In The Listmode
*Fast Hoppingmode With Flexibly Addressable Frequency And Level Pairs, as Fastas Normal List Mode
*Frequencysetting Time Of Typ. <10 μs Within A Bandwidth Of 40 MHz Due Todirect Access To The DDS-based Synthesizer (with The R&SSMA-B20 Or -B22 Option)
*Electronicattenuator With Built-in Overvoltage Protection Over Entirefrequency Range
*High Outputpower Of Up To +18 DBm, overrange +28 DBm
*Very Highlevel Accuracy And Repeatability
Mil / Aero Applications
*Pulsemodulator With Excellent Characteristics (on/off Ratio >80 DB, rise/fall Time Typ. 10 Ns)
*Pulsegenerator Integrated As Standard
*Optionalhigh-performance Pulse Generator With Minimum Pulse Width Of 20 Ns(R&S SMA-K23)
*OptionalVOR/ILS Modulation (R&S®SMA-K25)
All-purpose Instrument
*Frequencyrange Of 9 KHz To 3 GHz / 6 GHz
*Frequency, level And LF Sweeps
*AM, broadbandFM/φM (R&S SMA-B20 Or -B22) , pulse Modulation
*Built-in LFgenerator Up To 1 MHz, optional Multifunction Generator (R&SSMA-K24) Up To 10 MHz
*Optionallow-jitter Clock Synthesizer Up To 1.5 GHz (R&SSMA-B29)
Intuitive Operating Concept
*Intuitive Userinterface With Graphical Display Of Signal Flow (blockdiagram)
*Context-sensitive Online Help
Versatile Interfaces
*Remote Controlvia GPIB Or LAN
*USB Connectors(e.g. For Keyboard, mouse, memory Stick)
*Connector ForR&S®NRP Power Sensors For Precise Powermeasurements
*SelectableSCPI- Or 8662A/63A-compatible IEC/IEEE Bus Commandset
*Control Viaremote Operation Tool (e.g. VNC)
品牌:德國R/S羅德施瓦茨Rohde%26amp;Schwarz R%26amp;S
The R%26amp;SSMA100A combines superior signal quality with very high settingspeed, which makes it ideal for any task. Whethask. Whether in development,production, service or maintenance, the R%26amp;S SMA100A does anexcellent job.
In thefrequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, it can generate CW signals aswell as all common types of analog modulation (AM, FM, %26phi;M, pulsemodulation). Excellent specifications and a wide range ofmodulation signals %26ndash; these are the characteristic features of theR%26amp;S%26reg; SMA100A. In addition, a low-jitter clock synthesizeroption supplies differential clock signals of up to 1.5 GHzindependently of the RF frequency.
Excellent signal quality
*Very low SSBphase noise of typ. %26ndash;135 dBc (20 kHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz measurement bandwidth), typ. %26ndash;140 dBc with the Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance option (R%26amp;S SMA-B22)
*Wideband noiseof typ. %26ndash;160 dBc (%26gt;10 MHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement bandwidth)
*Nonharmonicsof typ. %26ndash;100 dBc (%26gt;10 kHz carrier offset, f %26lt; 1500 MHz, withthe R%26amp;S SMA-B22 option)
Ideal for use in production
*Very shortfrequency and level setting times of %26lt;3 ms across the entirefrequency and level range, %26lt;450 %26mu;s in the listmode
*Fast hoppingmode with flexibly addressable frequency and level pairs, as fastas normal list mode
*Frequencysetting time of typ. %26lt;10 %26mu;s within a bandwidth of 40 MHz due todirect access to the DDS-based synthesizer (with the R%26amp;SSMA-B20 or -B22 option)
*Electronicattenuator with built-in overvoltage protection over entirefrequency range
*High outputpower of up to +18 dBm, overrange +28 dBm
*Very highlevel accuracy and repeatability
Mil / Aero applications
*Pulsemodulator with excellent characteristics (on/off ratio %26gt;80 dB,rise/fall time typ. 10 ns)
*Pulsegenerator integrated as standard
*Optionalhigh-performance pulse generator with minimum pulse width of 20 ns(R%26amp;S SMA-K23)
*OptionalVOR/ILS modulation (R%26amp;S%26reg; SMA-K25)
All-purpose instrument
*Frequencyrange of 9 kHz to 3 GHz / 6 GHz
*Frequency,level and LF sweeps
*AM, broadbandFM/%26phi;M (R%26amp;S SMA-B20 or -B22), pulse modulation
*Built-in LFgenerator up to 1 MHz, optional multifunction generator (R%26amp;SSMA-K24) up to 10 MHz
*Optionallow-jitter clock synthesizer up to 1.5 GHz (R%26amp;SSMA-B29)
Intuitive operating concept
*Intuitive userinterface with graphical display of signal flow (blockdiagram)
*Context-sensitive online help
Versatile interfaces
*Remote controlvia GPIB or LAN
*USB connectors(e.g. for keyboard, mouse, memory stick)
*Connector forR%26amp;S%26reg; NRP power sensors for precise powermeasurements
*SelectableSCPI- or 8662A/63A-compatible IEC/IEEE bus commandset
*Control viaremote operation tool (e.g. VNC)
中赛仪器库存大量各种高频仪器现货特价出售中本公司长期现金回购各种高频仪器 联糸人;张彬 13556784911/18922936706电话;0769-33355531传真; 0769-23362124
1、与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的供货期要短的多。在 时间就是市场的今天,优势无疑是最为明显的。
2、二手仪器的价格便宜,基本为新购仪器价格的20%~50%。在电子技术迅 速发展的今天,仪器的更新也在加快,投资越少则风险越小。
由非 本公司授权机构、人员拆卸而造成的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏;
Lord of signal generator of radio frequency of Rohde&Schwarz SMA100A 6G applies 9kHz-3G/6GHz of made of baked clay Ci
Brand: German R/S Lord applies Rohde&Schwarz R&S of made of baked clay Ci
The R&The R&SSMA100A Combines Superior Signal Quality With Very High Settingspeed, which Makes It Ideal For Any Task. Whether In Development, production, service Or Maintenance, the R&S SMA100A Does Anexcellent Job.
In Thefrequency Range From 9 KHz To 6 GHz, it Can Generate CW Signals Aswell As All Common Types Of Analog Modulation (AM, FM, φM, pulsemodulation) . Excellent Specifications And A Wide Range Ofmodulation Signals–These Are The Characteristic Features Of TheR&S®SMA100A. In Addition, a Low-jitter Clock Synthesizeroption Supplies Differential Clock Signals Of Up To 1.5 GHzindependently Of The RF Frequency.
Excellent Signal Quality
*Very Low SSBphase Noise Of Typ. –135 DBc (20 KHz Carrier Offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz Measurement Bandwidth) , typ. –140 DBc With The Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance Option (R&S SMA-B22)
*Wideband Noiseof Typ. –160 DBc (>10 MHz Carrier Offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement Bandwidth)
*Nonharmonicsof Typ. –100 DBc (>10 KHz Carrier Offset, F<1500 MHz, withthe R&S SMA-B22 Option)
Ideal For Use In Production
*Very Shortfrequency And Level Setting Times Of <3 Ms Across The Entirefrequency And Level Range, <450 μs In The Listmode
*Fast Hoppingmode With Flexibly Addressable Frequency And Level Pairs, as Fastas Normal List Mode
*Frequencysetting Time Of Typ. <10 μs Within A Bandwidth Of 40 MHz Due Todirect Access To The DDS-based Synthesizer (with The R&SSMA-B20 Or -B22 Option)
*Electronicattenuator With Built-in Overvoltage Protection Over Entirefrequency Range
*High Outputpower Of Up To +18 DBm, overrange +28 DBm
*Very Highlevel Accuracy And Repeatability
Mil / Aero Applications
*Pulsemodulator With Excellent Characteristics (on/off Ratio >80 DB, rise/fall Time Typ. 10 Ns)
*Pulsegenerator Integrated As Standard
*Optionalhigh-performance Pulse Generator With Minimum Pulse Width Of 20 Ns(R&S SMA-K23)
*OptionalVOR/ILS Modulation (R&S®SMA-K25)
All-purpose Instrument
*Frequencyrange Of 9 KHz To 3 GHz / 6 GHz
*Frequency, level And LF Sweeps
*AM, broadbandFM/φM (R&S SMA-B20 Or -B22) , pulse Modulation
*Built-in LFgenerator Up To 1 MHz, optional Multifunction Generator (R&SSMA-K24) Up To 10 MHz
*Optionallow-jitter Clock Synthesizer Up To 1.5 GHz (R&SSMA-B29)
Intuitive Operating Concept
*Intuitive Userinterface With Graphical Display Of Signal Flow (blockdiagram)
*Context-sensitive Online Help
Versatile Interfaces
*Remote Controlvia GPIB Or LAN
*USB Connectors(e.g. For Keyboard, mouse, memory Stick)
*Connector ForR&S®NRP Power Sensors For Precise Powermeasurements
*SelectableSCPI- Or 8662A/63A-compatible IEC/IEEE Bus Commandset
*Control Viaremote Operation Tool (e.g. VNC)