VM6000 主動視頻測量系統

厂商 :东莞中赛电子仪器有限公司

广东 东莞
  • 主营产品:
  • 频谱分析仪
  • 频率计
  • 音频分析仪
联系电话 :13556784911
Frequency | Tektronix VM6000 of analyzer of video of video test instrument is automatic video surveys a system (HDTV) | Peaceful overcomes video to analyse a systemm Tektronix VM6000 主動視頻測量系統(HDTV)
VM6000 是泰克公司新推出的一款主動視頻測試系統,可用於生產HDTV、PC圖形行動措施(例如數位機頂盒、多媒體PC、圖形卡等)和視頻半導體器件的主動測試。
  VM6000 能夠滿足工程技術人員為數位家庭開闢和設置裝備擺設下一代視頻行動措施的需求。它在測量速度、正確性和靠得住性等各個方面存在卓越、超群的機能,這使得VM6000 成為業內用於視00 成为业内用于视频产物设计验证、品质节制和主动测量系统应用的最佳选择。
  VM6000 可作为自力的主动视频分析仪利用,它撑持SD、HDTV和PC图形信号款式。它存在高达 1GHz 的信号带宽和5GS/s的采样速度,因而它能够很好地满足高分辨率HDTV和高频PC图形视频信号的测量需求。操纵选件 SD 和 HD,VM6000 撑持各类传统的 DTV 款式,从480i 至1080p,无论是RGB 仍是YPbPr色域等,均可进行测量。操纵选件VGA,则可撑持各类通用的模拟 RGBHV 信号分辨率,从640%26times;480p到2048%26times;1536p,屏幕刷新速度从 60Hz 直至 100Hz。
* 主动 HDTV 视频行动措施的主动测试
* PC图形器件的主动VESA合适性测试
* 多媒体 PC 的主动测试
* 迅速、正确和靠得住的视频测量
* 周全的模拟分量视频信号分析
* 供给图像、矢量和波形显示
* 供给配套的测试信号包
* 节省时候的适用测试工具
* 及格 / 不及格的容限测试
* 供给测试报告的主动报密告生器
* 供给视频测量附件
* 存在高达1GHz的带宽,4个通道的DPO 性能
* 大型的12.1英寸XGA触屏式显示器
* GPIB 遥控性能
* LAN 连通性
* 供给 CD-R/W 驱动器 (DVD 只读)
* PinpointTM(切确定点) 触发性能
* 供给多种专业技术的软件选项:发抖和按时测量、功率测量、串行数据、以太网和 USB2.0 合适性测试
* 设计验证
* 尺度合适性测试
* 品质节制
* 安置和故障排除
* 主动出产测试
* 视频系统测试
中赛仪器库存大量各种高频仪器现货特价出售中本公司长期现金回购各种高频仪器  联糸人;张彬  13556784911/18922936706电话;0769-33355531传真;                                   0769-23362124
、与新购仪器几个月的供货期相比,购买二手仪器的供货期要短的多。在 时间就是市场的今天,优势无疑是最为明显的。 
、二手仪器的价格便宜,基本为新购仪器价格的20%50%。在电子技术迅 速发展的今天,仪器的更新也在加快,投资越少则风险越小。 





由非 本公司授权机构、人员拆卸而造成的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏;

Tektronix VM6000 automatic video surveys a system (HDTV)
VM6000 is peaceful gram company is new a when roll out automatic video tests a system, can use at consuming equipment of graph of HDTV, PC (box of top of en top of engine of word of example exactly the number, multimedia PC, graphic card) the automatic test with video semiconductor device.
VM6000 can satisfy the requirement of equipment of video of the generation below development of family of word of amount to of project technology personnel and configuration. It is measuring each respects such as speed, accuracy and dependability to have outstanding, preeminent property, this makes VM6000 makes the optimal choice that is used at test and verify of video products plan, quality is controlled and measuring systematic application automatically inside course of study.
What differ with groovy instrument is, VM6000 collects signal hardware, optimized video to survey algorithmic, test signal file and all sorts of test accessory conformity are in the test system solution of unifinication. When undertaking video product test and verify checks previously, often need to expend a few hours just can be finished a few days even, use now VM6000 needs a few seconds only or a few minutes can be finished. VM6000 has the video of Plug and Play to measure a function, the operation personnel that even if is inexperience also can apace is right the quality of video output signal of the equipment that be measured makes reliable assess. It still can is opposite whether does the signal that be measured accord with relative standard and standard to make intuitionistic qualification or unqualified test result report, offer clarity but of the signal of differentiate lack fidelity show, can use at more thorough analysis.
VM6000 can be used as independent automatic video analyzer, it supports SD, HDTV and form. of PC graph signal. It has the sampling rate of the signal bandwidth that is as high as 1GHz and 5GS/s, the measurement that consequently it can satisfy high resolution HDTV and signal of video of graph of high frequency PC well demand. Use options SD and HD, VM6000 supports all sorts of traditional DTV patterns, come from 480i 1080p, no matter be RGB or YPbPr colour gamut,wait, all can undertake metrical. Use options VGA, supportable resolution of all sorts of general imitate RGBHV signal, arrive from 640×480p 2048×1536p, screen refresh rate from 60Hz till 100Hz.
  The automatic test of equipment of video of * automatic HDTV
  The automatic VESA accordance of parts of an apparatus of * PC graph checks
  The automatic test of * multimedia PC
  * is fast, accurate measure with reliable video
  The signal of imitate heft video with comprehensive * is analysed
  * supports form. of SDTV, HDTV and RGBHV heft imitate
  * offers image, vector and weaveform. to show
  * offers the test signal package of form. a complete set
  * saves the economic test tool of time
  * is eligible / unqualified tolerance checks
  * provides the automatic report generator that checks a report
  * offers video to measure accessory
  * has the bandwidth that is as high as 1GHz, the DPO function of 4 passageways
  12.1 inches of XGA with large * touch screen type monitor
  Function of * GPIB remote control
  * LAN connects quality
  * offers CD-R/W drive (DVD is read-only)
  * PinpointTM(essence is nodded certainly) spark function
  * offers the software option of a variety of professional technologies: Shake and time measure, power is measured, net of serial data, aether and USB2.0 accordance test
  * design verification
  * standard accordance checks
  * quality is controlled
  * installation and trouble removal
  * produces a test automatically
  * video system testing