厂商 :深圳市德澳啤酒设备有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
什么是精酿啤酒?她和所谓“商业”啤酒到底是什么区别?这两个问题,从很早起,小型啤酒设备厂家,就不断的被人问起,回头来想, 我竟然总是给人不完全相同的答案,翻看我自己的微薄,小型啤酒设备厂,也有过不同的解释。到底怎样才算精酿啤酒,我们中国应该怎样定义她呢?
精酿啤酒,Craft Beer,不只是在中国,在国外,也各种定义,各不相同,有人说,当你喝下一杯酒后,愿意再来一杯,去闻她,去品她,就叫精酿啤酒,有人说,不加大米玉米等辅料,用传统方法酿造的,就叫精酿啤酒,有的人说,小型酒厂产的就叫精酿啤酒,还有人说,只要好闻好喝口感好,管她哪里产的,就是精酿啤酒,或者,不是吗?
首先来看一种最普遍的说法,“好喝”的酒就一定是精酿啤酒?美国Goose Island酿酒厂,美国非常牛比的“精酿”啤酒厂,其产品有相当高的口碑,在全美啤酒比赛中斩获无数大奖,每年年底都会推出的各种啤酒,上架不到半小时就能被抢购一空,甚至许多爱好者会在高速路上等着酒厂出来的送货车,跟着送货车到送货地点,马上抢购~!还有很多其它先驱性的精酿啤酒厂,小型啤酒设备价格,比如纽约布鲁克林啤酒厂都反攻倒算开分厂到德国去了,向德国人推广现代精酿和其概念。你说这些厂产的酒是好酒吗?当然是好酒,但是对不起,沈阳小型啤酒设备,它却不是美国酿酒师协会承认的精酿啤酒Craft Beer,象Goose Island这样的是因为她已经被百威收购,而Brooklyn这样的是因为她已经太大,年产N多万吨了,不符合美国酿酒师协会“独立小型”的要求了。
Beer selling System includes transport tank, selling tank,refrigerator,beer counter,
foreshot ,beer piller,etc.
The selling tank is mainly used for storage and sale of the finished beer . It mainly adopts high-quality stainless steels .The tank is processed by plasma cutting and pure argon gas welding. The selling tank connects the refrigerator and single tank together toinstantly cool down the beer,which keeps the beer 's rich foams and fresh and mellow tasting . The transport tank is used to transport beer from the fermentation tank or brightbeer tank to the selling tank .
The draft beer selling tank designed by Deao company has the characters of low-temperature , oxygen partition and sterile filling . The tank not only solved all the problems in beer filling,selling,and storage processes , but also keeps beer cold, fresh , and being released continuously. The selling tank takes little space and area for its simple structure and easiness to operate.The tank can be installed on a hand cart as your required , which is more convenient to sell beer anywhere . The selling tank is a good choice forindividual investors , barbecues, pubs and hotels & restaurants .

沈阳小型啤酒设备|德澳啤酒设备|小型啤酒设备厂家由深圳市德澳啤酒设备有限公司提供。深圳市德澳啤酒设备有限公司(www.szdapjsb.com)是广东 深圳 ,行业专用设备的翘楚,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,很大限度的满足客户需求。在德澳啤酒设备领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创德澳啤酒设备更加美好的未来。