
厂商 :河北隆兴焊接材料有限公司

河北 邢台
  • 主营产品:
  • 焊条
  • 焊丝
  • 万能焊条
联系电话 :15530946755
产品牌号 Type 国标型号 GB Standar 相当于AWS Correspond to AWS 主要用途 Maine?Purpose
XH·J502WCu E5003-G ? 用于铁路耐候车辆的焊接,如09MnCuPTi等。 For welding weather-resistant railway carriage as 09MnCuPTi etc.
XH·J502NiCu E5003-G ? 用于碳钢及50kg级耐候钢的焊接。如车辆、近海工程结构、桥梁的焊接等。 For welding carbon steel and weather steel of grade 50kg. Such as vehicle, offing building structure and bridge.
XH·J507Mo E5015-G E7015-G 用于焊接含钼、钒或低铝等元素的抗腐蚀钢。如12MoVAl及抗400℃高温硫,硫化氢腐蚀用钢的焊接。 For welding the corrode resisting steel with Mo, V or Low-Al etc.
XH·J507CrNi E5015-G? ? 用于Q235、16Mn和铬铝系统等耐海水腐蚀用的海洋重要结构的焊接。 For welding the important structures in ocean which can resist the corrode of seawater such as Q235, 16Mn etc.
XH·J507Ni E5015-G? ? ? 用于桥梁、船舶、压力容器及海洋工程结构的焊接。 For welding bridge, ship, pressure vessel and ocean building structure. ?
XH·H03 E5015-G? ? 用于10CrMoAl钢耐海水腐蚀的焊接,也可以用于其它相应耐腐蚀钢结构的焊接。 For welding seawater corrosion resistant steel 10CrMoAl, and other corresponding grade corrosion resistant steel.
XH·J553 ? ? 用于焊接相应强度的15MnV、15MnTi等低合金钢结构。 For welding the structures on low-alloy steels the strength corresponding 15MnV, 15MnTi etc.
XH·J557 E5515-G E8015-G 焊接中碳钢和15MnV、15MnTi等的低合金钢结构。 For welding the medium carbon steels and the structures on low-alloy steels, as 15MnV, 15MnTi etc.
XH·J606 E6016-D1 E9016-D1 焊接中碳钢及相应强度的低合金钢结构,如15MnVN等。 For welding the medium carbon steels and the structures on low-alloy steels (strength corresponding) as 15MnVN etc.
XH·J607 E6015-D1 E9015-D1 用于焊接中碳钢及相应强度的低合金高强度钢结构,如15MnVN等。 For welding medium carbon steel and corresponding grade low-alloy high intension structure steel as 15MnVN etc.
XH·J707 E7015-D1 E10015-D2 焊接相应强度的低合金钢重要结构,如15MnMoV、14MnMoVB、18MnMoNb等。 For welding the important structures on low-alloy steels the strength corresponding as 15MnMoV, 14MnMoVB, 18MnMoNb, etc.
XH·J707Ni E7015-G E10015-G 用于相应强度级别的低合金高强度钢结构焊接,如14MnMoVB等。 For welding the structures on low-alloy steels in high strength, as 14MnMoVB etc.
XH·J857 E8515-G E12015-G 用于σb830Mpa的低合金高强度钢结构焊接。 For welding the structures on low-alloy steels with high strength such asσb830Mpa.
XH·J857Cr E8515-G E12015-G 用于σb830Mpa 的低合金高强度钢受压容器和其他结构焊接,如14CrMnMoVB、30CrMo、35CrMo等。 For welding the pressed capsule made by low-alloy steels in high strength such as?σb830Mpa and other structures as 14CrMnMoVB, 30CrMo, 35CrMo etc.
XH·J107 E10015-G ? 用于σb980Mpa的低合金高强度钢结构焊接。 For welding the structures on low-alloy steels with high strength such asσb 980Mpa