厂商 :瑞徽电子(上海)有限公司
上海 上海- 主营产品:
- 艾德克斯ITECH
- 福禄克万用表
- 梅特勒天平
联系电话 :15800989208
150-1500 J/s Series From 300 V to 200 kV Output Voltage
- Voltage & Current Outputs continuously adjustable from 0 to full scale
- Customized V and C full scales* with no extra cost
- Total protection against arcs, overloads and short circuits
- Over Temperature protection
- Compact design
- Double Resonance Technology (ZVC)
- V & C Setting and Monitoring from front panel or remote
- Automatic crossover
- Limited inrush current
- Remote, Inhibit & Interlock functions
- 3 ? digit displays with polarity display
- Safety switch key
- 法国TECHNIX电容充电电源
- 供应台湾利亮CD6000精密点胶机CD6700光纤点胶机硅胶点胶机
- 供应体积表面电阻测定仪
- 供应150MT塞尺厚薄规EISEN间隙片上海塞尺南京塞尺北京塞尺深圳塞尺
- 供应EISEN厚薄规100MT塞尺间隙片东莞塞尺广州塞尺天津塞尺昆山塞尺
- 供应245M塞尺EISEN厚薄规间隙片EISEN厚薄规EISEN塞尺上海塞尺间隙片
- 供应150M塞尺厚薄规间隙片EISEN进口塞尺EISEN厚薄规EISEN间隙片
- 供应EISEN塞尺72M厚薄规间隙片南京塞尺西安塞尺成都塞尺重庆塞尺
- 供应150ML间隙片塞尺厚薄规合肥塞尺常州塞尺无锡塞尺苏州塞尺
- 供应172ME塞尺厚薄规间隙片EISEN高精度塞尺上海厚薄规上海间隙片
- 供应IEC60068-2-75弹簧冲击锤