厂商 :徐州铭德数控科技有限公司
江苏 徐州- 主营产品:
- 龙门切割机
- 等离子火焰切割机
- 等离子切割机
联系电话 :13382681866
* 5.7寸高分辨率液晶显示屏,人性化操作界面,全中文/英文菜单,优化操作步骤,屏幕下方标注有操作提示,灵活高效,简单易学。5.7”high-resolution LCD, human-oriented interface, Chinese and English menu, Optimize operation procedure, tips under the screen, efficiency, flexibility, easy-going and easy learning. |
* 7寸800*600高分辨率1600万色彩色高亮度液晶屏。???????? 7" high-resolution LCD with 800*600pix,1600 color and high-bright. |
*支持EIA代码(即G代码)及FastCAM等各类套料软件;中英文菜单,适合国内外各类操作人员。? ?Support the EIA code (G code) and all types of nesting software such as FastCAM,etc. English and Chinese menu system. |
*自带45种常用图形库(包括网格图形),可手工设置片尺寸和孔尺寸,直接切割,无需编程。 Internal 45 types of basic figures(including the grid graphics), enable to setting piece size and pore size, directly do cutting process, no need programme. |
*采用32位高性能CPU,运用实时多任务控制技术和DSP高速、高精度插补控制技术,工作时高稳定性,高速运行,低噪音。 32 bits high speed and characteristics, Multi-task Controlling System?and DSP high-speed, high-precision interpolation control technology, to increase stability and high speed with low noise. |
*通用U盘传输G代码文件(切割轨迹文件),并可传输系统升级文件,使系统功能随时更新,方便快捷。 U-disk transfer G-code files(cutting track file), also able to transfer system upgrade files to guarantee the latest function to be installed anytime, convenient and efficient. |
* 256M超大容量存储空间,能存储超过5000个复杂异型切割文件;满足各种复杂程序的运行与加工,轻松处理大程序的运行。 256M large memory storage, could save more than 5,000 files; easily operating huge and multiple procedure. |
*图型任意角度旋转、比例缩放、X或Y镜像、矩阵排列、空走、可手工选行及选号等日常操作中的实用功能。 ? Graphic scale, rotate, mirror image, matrix permutation, idling, select line or line number, etc, Which will frequently be used. |
*根据钢板厚度,在转角处可自动限速,有效防止过烧。支持边缘切割、偏移切割,对较厚的钢板可减少预热时间,并可避免因排料计算错误而造成的板材浪费。????? Automatically control the cutting speed to avoid over-burning according to plate thickness. Possible to edge cutting, offset cutting, to avoid wasting of meal sheet caused by calculation errors. |
*图形放大/缩小,放大状态下可实时跟踪切割点。自定义全部输入输出端口的类型(常开或常闭)和编号。 Graphics zoom-in or out, and tracking the cutting point dynamically while zoom-in status. Customize the type of all input and output ports (normally open or close) and the number |
*自诊断系统所有IO状态和按键状态,方便检查和排除故障。单独或批量导入导出程序,参数备份及恢复,日期,星期,时钟显示。?? Self-diagnostic system for all IO and keyboard status, convenient for inspection and trouble-shooting. Export files, parameter backup, online upgrade; date, week and time display. |
*支持氧燃气、等离子及演示模式;各类加工参数齐全,可满足不同工艺需求。 Oxygen gas, plasma and presentation modes; various inside machining parameters for match various demand. |
*氧燃气和等离子IO分开控制;氧燃气自动调高,两级预热,三级穿孔;等离子弧压反馈,定位反馈,转角自动关闭弧压调高。Separately control oxygen gas from plasma IO; adjust the height of oxygen gas automatically, two grades of preheat, three grates of perforation; plasma arc voltage feedback, position feedback, automatically shut down arc voltage in the corner. |
*断电、断点数据存储及恢复功能、退回功能、急停按钮,自动恢复到未断电前的状态,有效避免误操作。? Auto-memory and recovery in case of power-off or point break, return function, emergency stop button, recover to the pre-status automatically, avoid mis-operation. |
*高细分步进电机采用高细分驱动器,噪音低、精度高、运行平稳。? High-subdivision stepper motor driver, low noise, high running precision, and movement smoothly. |
*自动割缝补偿,割枪移位,割枪穿孔停留,预热时间智能记忆,键盘诊断,温控风扇。标配电动高度调节装置及万能割枪夹紧器。 Cutting slot compensation auto-setting function,cutting gun movement, cutting gun perforation remain, preheated time auto-memory, keyboard diagnostication, temperature-controlled fan. Auto-adjust height of cutting gun and multiple torch clamp structure. |
*稳定性强,具有超强的等离子高频抗干扰能力。*切割速度最大可调到每分钟3.5米,能满足快速等离子切割的需求。 Strong stabilization, effective shield plasma high frequency interference. Max cutting speed 3500mm/min, apply to plasma cutting. |
*机箱采用全钢防磁结构,完全屏蔽电磁辐射,真正抗干扰、防静电。 All steel and anti-magnetic outside frame of NC system and host to ensure reliable and stable operation. |
*系统升级采用U盘升级方式,方便简单、实用,并提供终身免费升级服务。 Free upgrade by U-disk easily and conveniently, and also provide free-upgrade at whole lifetime. |
*特有钢板校正功能,任意钢板边可做为校正边;?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Steel board adjustment function,each steel edge could be adjustable. |
*图形可矩阵排列、交互排列、叠式排列。 Graphic matrix permutation,alternate permutation,overlapping permutation |
*工件原始尺寸和带割缝尺寸同时进行显示,直观方便。?? ?Display original size and size with cutting slot compensation at sametime, easy to control conveniently. |
*等离子弧压控制支持速度和距离两种关闭弧压调高方式,使机床更加平衡、安全。 Support speed and distance sytle to close THC,to ensure more balance,stable and safety. |
*最大程序行数The maximan lines of program. |
*预留等离子切割机电源接口,可选配各种等离子切割机机型,弧压跟踪系统以及初始定位装置。? ?Plasma cutting machine interface reserved; optionally set up all types of plasma cutting machine and arc voltage tracking system, including initial position and automatic arc voltage tracking system. |
*选配:无线遥控器,可进行前、后、左、右等基本运作和切割开始、停止等切割动作。??? |