厂商 :郑州成远食品机械厂
河南 郑州- 主营产品:
- 饺子冷冻输送机
- 真空滚揉机
- 猪蹄分割机
香肠扎线机是灌肠制品厂的贴心设备,它具有操作简单,易于掌握,使用方便的特点;生产能力高达:60条/min左右,产品长度随意可调3--25cm不等,只需一个工人即可。可有效的节省肠衣,降低企业成本,提高利润。成远食品机械厂是从事肉类加工机械开发、设计、制造及销售的企业。多年来企业通过博采众长兼收并蓄,广泛吸收消化国内外先进技术,以精良的加工和检测设备,可靠的制造质量,严密的质量保证体系和重要的售后服务赢得客户,并在同行业享有盛誉。型号:ZH-01 气压:0.4-0.6MPa 生产能力:60次/min 肠衣范围:直径10-35 外形尺寸:1150*480*750mmSausage binding machine equipment is sweet sausage products factory, it has the advantages of simple operation, easy to master, easy to use; the production capacity of up to: 60 about /min, the length of product can be adjusted optionally ranging from 3--25cm, only one worker can. To be effective in saving casing, reduce costs, increase profits. Into far food machinery factory is engaged in meat processing machinery development, design, manufacture and sale of enterprises. Over the years enterprises through learn widely from othersstrong points swallow anything and everything, widely absorbing domestic and foreign advanced technology, sophisticated processing and testing equipment, reliable manufacturing quality, strict quality assurance system and important customer service service to win customers, and in the same industry enjoys high reputation. Model: ZH-01 pressure: 0.4-0.6MPa production capacity: 60 /min casing diameter range: 10-35 size: 1150*480*750mm

① 免费指导安装,② 终生维修、维护,③ 售后免费服务:河南省内24小时服务。本厂家所售产品实行一条龙跟踪服务,实行定期进行客户回访,对所售产品的后期的配件实行原厂配件服务,一年之内厂家承担全部费用,一年后厂家实行成本或进货价格服务于广大客户.