
厂商 :上海熙宏化工科技有限公司

上海市 上海市
  • 主营产品:
  • 偏钛酸
  • 钛白粉
  • 偏钛酸
联系电话 :13661853776

钛白粉 R-818
钛白粉 r-818 属于金红石型钛白粉。钛白粉 r-818白度、亮度、光泽度好,遮盖力、消色力强,易于分散。此外钛白粉 r-818具有极佳的耐候性和抗粉化能力。钛白粉 r-818适用于高档室内涂料、高固含量漆、粉末涂料、路标漆、船舶专用漆和油墨,同时钛白粉 r-818也可用于塑料、橡胶、造纸和皮革工业等领域。
品质……………………………钛白粉 r-818
tio2 含量  % ……………… ≥94
金红石型转化率 %……………≥97
颜色 ( 与标样比 )…………不低于
白度 % ………………………≥95
105°c 挥发物 %……………≤0.80
水溶物  %  …………………≤0.5
水悬浮液 ph 值……………7.0~ 8.0
吸油量  g/ 100g……………≤23.0
遮盖力 ………………………≤25.0

R-818 titanium dioxide
    R-818 titanium dioxide is rutile titanium dioxide. R-818 titanium dioxide whiteness, brightness, gloss, hiding power, tint and strong, easy to disperse. In addition, the R-818 titanium dioxide has excellent weather resistance and resistance to chalking. R-818 titanium dioxide in high-grade indoor coatings, high solid content paint, powder coating, paint signs, ships, special paint and ink, while R-818 titanium dioxide can be used in areas such as plastics, rubber, paper and leather industries.
Quality ................................. R-818 titanium dioxide
TiO2 content% .................. ≥ 94
Rutile conversion rate% ............... ≥ 97
Color (compared with standard sample) ............ not less than

Whiteness ........................... ≥ 95
The achromatic force (compared with standard sample)% ......... ≥ 100

105 ° C volatiles ............... ≤ 0.80
Water soluble% ..................... ≤ 0.5
Aqueous suspension PH value ............... 7.0 ~ 8.0
Oil absorption g / 100g ............... ≤ 23.0
Hiding ........................... ≤ 25.0
