厂商 :常州佳事达抗倍特板材有限公司
北京市 江苏- 主营产品:
- 挂墙板/护墙板
- 抗倍特直销
- 抗倍特板材生产加工
Life in the 21st century,people are no long just walking randomly between work and family .Recreation areas has become another important life-arena.
Traditional iron lock is easily rusted,easily damaged by impact monotonous in color as well.while,wooden lock getting wet and corrosion,breeding mold easily,also caused smell.
JSD locker has these characteristics,water proof,heat&impact resistance,fire proof,no mildew,no odor,easy to clean ,long service life.It is the best choice of quality locker.Select JSD,let it be your safe keeper,make your life more at ease.
Lockers are widely used in schools, swimmingpool,sauna and recreation centers, shopping malls and other places,aprivate butler for your personal items. It is not liketraditionalmetal cargo containers, rust, resistant to impact, andeasy tobreed bacteria, odors. Lockers using high-pressure Combetsheetproduction, with traditional lockersincomparablesuperiority.
◆ 耐撞击Impact-resistant
◆ 防潮,防锈Moisture, rust
◆ 防水及防火Waterproof and fire
◆ 不滋生霉菌,无异味No mildew, no odor
◆ 易清洁保养Easy cleaning and maintenance
◆ 经久耐用Durable
◆ 设计灵活Design flexibility
◆ 色彩丰富 Richcolors
Swimming pool, gymnasium, sauna, fitness centers,schools,hospitals, department stores, etc.
标准规格为 300mm(宽)x1800mm(高)x450mm(深),柜宽和柜深可根据特殊需求接受订制;柜高通常小于1820mm。
Standard specifications for 300mm (W) x 1800mm(height)x450mm (D), cabinet width and depth cabinets can becustomizedaccording to the specific needs of acceptance; cabinet isusuallyless than 1820mm high
Cabinet style rich, flexible combination, visualneeds,design different combinations. Also, can be used withhigh-levellocks, coin locks, number plates and wristbands. Rich instyle,solid and durable, is the first choice of modern urbanleisurelife.
公司主营抗倍特板材加工、实验室理化板台面、挂墙板、卫生间隔断、高级耐火板等。在耐火、防火材料行业获得广大客户的认可。公司秉承“保证一流质量,保持一级信誉”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。 现公司不断开拓新产品、新领域,添加了豪迈电子开料锯,以及行业顶尖CNC加工中心等现代化设备,从事新一代板材抗倍特的深加工,如挂墙板,卫生间、淋浴房隔断、X光学透光板,理化板台面,实验室台面。依托常州地区强大的抗倍特生产基地优势,可以极大降低生产成本,愿我们公司越做越大,越来越强!欢迎来电洽谈业务!