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供应martor自动回弹安全刀具价格 No. 116001刀片
Megasafe No. 116001
This Cutter represents the consequential onward development of our intelligent OPTISAFE and MAXISAFE SAFETY cutter series, with the 0.63 mm thick blade highly suitable for use with virtually any type of material. The ergonomically styled heavy-duty cutter made of aluminium, provides for perfectly controlled cutting operations - ideal for use by right- and left-handers, even when wearing protective work gloves. This Cutter also features the time-tested MARTOR SAFETY technology in that the spring loaded blade retracts instantly the moment blade edge contact is lost - even if and when the user holds on to the blade slider. "GS-TESTED FOR SAFETY".
IMPROVED SAFETY CONCEPT: Previous models of this type of Safety Cutters required the blade to be fully extended before the Safety System responded, NOW the Safety System responds even if the blade is only partially extended. All one has to do is to push the slide to the point where the packaged goods are safe from damage – the maximum extension is 27 mm.
安全刀具型号: 116001
Megasafe 安全刀具,安全设计获 2006iF大奖, 100%刀片自动回弹功能给予使用者全面保护,人机工程学两侧推动设计给予使用者更顺畅的工作。刀体为铝质制造,适合左手及右手操作者使用。
标配刀片: Maxisafe 99,长 x 宽 x 厚 : 60mm x 19mm x 0.63mm。不锈钢刀片Maxisafe 199可供选择。
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