厂商 :山东山矿机械有限公司
山东 济宁- 主营产品:
- 选矿设备
- 螺旋输送机
- 破碎机
联系电话 :13505477574
型号:焦化系列 PCFK系列反击锤式破碎机 IMPACT HAMMER MILL 概述 BRIEF INTRODUCTION PCFK系列反击锤式破碎机集锤破和反击破于一体,适用于中低硬度物料的细碎阶段,可将80mm以下的物料破碎到8mm以下。本系列机型具有破碎效率高、破碎产品粒度均匀、过粉碎比例低等优点。 As an integrator of hammer mill and impact mill, PCFK series of Impact Hammer Mill is used for secondary crushing of low- and medium-hardness materials. The size of material can be reduced from <80mm to <8mm. The mill enjoys advantages in high and constant capacity, excellent uniformity of final grain size, low fine grain content and etc. 应用范围FIELDS OF APPLICATION PCFK系列反击锤式破碎机主要应用于火力发电厂循环流化床锅炉、焦化厂、钢铁厂等破碎煤炭,同时也可为矿山、化工等行业破碎矿石、石灰石、石膏、盐、焦炭等物料。 PCFK series of Impact Hammer Mill is mainly applied for crushing coal in power plants, coke ovens and iron & steel mill, as well as ore, limestone, gypsum, salt and coke. 工作原理MODE OF OPERATION 为获得理想的排料粒度和锤头的均匀磨损,采用振动给料机或专用入料槽在沿入料口全长上均匀给料。物料进入破碎机后,受到高速旋转的锤头冲击而破碎,并高速冲向破碎板再次被破碎,经过破碎板的反弹,再次被弹向锤头,物料在破碎腔内经过反复冲撞和互相碰撞而破碎,在反击板体下部排料口排出。产品粒度决定于转子的转速及转子与破碎板的间隙。 The uniform distribution of the feeding material at the entire width of the rotor via a vibrating feeder or a specially-designed inlet chute is requested for achieving an optimum final grain size as well as a uniform wear of the crushing parts. After entering the crushing cavity, the feed material is grasped by the rotating beater heads and then thrown against the grinding face at high speed to be crushed and again rebound to beater heads. The material is gradually crushed in a course of dash and inter-collision repeatedly and discharged out of the end of grinding face. Product size is determined by rotation speed of the rotor and gap between the rotor and the grinding wall. 结构特点STRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS PCFK系列反击锤式破碎机主要由转子、破碎板及其调节装置、机壳、机座、传动装置等部分组成。 PCFK series of Impact Hammer Mill consists of rotor, grinding faces and adjusting units, housing, base frame, and drive unit. 转子锤杆和锤头的柔性连接可保证在极硬的异物进入破碎机时,不会影响本机正常运转或破坏锤头。每组锤杆和锤头与相对的锤杆和锤头重量相等,确保转子平衡。锤杆由优质钢锻制,锤头为高耐磨合金钢铸件。主轴两边装有双列向心滚子轴承,并配备人工盘车六方轴头。 The flexible connection of beater arms with heads ensures that the hammer mill is sturdy enough against the intrusion of foreign hard matters. The arms and heads are weighed bundled by pairs to avoid any unbalances and thus ensure exact balancing of the rotor. The arms are forged with quality steel and the heads are made of highly wear-resistant alloy cast. Heavy-duty spherical roller bearings in double rows are used as rotor bearings, located in dust-proof housings. Barring gear is fitted on the end of the rotor shaft. 破碎板的形状对破碎效率的影响非常大,本机型设计了新型的破碎板,使物料碰撞破碎板的入射角接近90o,以使物料取得最佳的破碎效果。由特殊高锰钢制成的破碎板固定于破碎板支架上,转子与破碎壁的间隙通过破碎板调节装置来调整。 The shape of grinding faces has great impact on crushing efficiency. Specially designed grinding faces are fitted on the grinding wall to guarantee the angle of incidence of the material against the grinding wall at nearly 90o for optimum crushing result. Grinding faces, made of special high-manganese cast steel, are screwed on welded base frame of the grinding wall. The two grinding faces are equipped with two adjusting points each for gap adjustment between rotor and grinding wall. 机壳可单向或双向开启,采用电液推杆开启装置,结构紧凑,操作维护简便。 The housing can be opened up on one side or both sides by means of compact and easily-maintained electro-hydraulic pushing lever. 根据使用情况和用户要求可选用下列配置和附加部件: Upon customer’s requirement the following configuration and accessories can be selected: ¨ 可逆/不可逆式锤破Reversible and Non-reversible 可逆式锤破的两侧均配有破碎板,转子可双向运转并可充分利用锤头的两面和两侧的破碎板。不可逆式锤破的转子只能单向运转,当锤头的一面磨损时,锤头须翻转过来使用。 The reversible hammer mill mill is equipped with two grinding faces allowing a reversible operation and thus utilization of heads on and grinding faces both sides. As the rotor of the non-reversible hammer mill operates in single-direction, the heads have to be reversed for use after being worn out on one side. ¨ 破碎板加热装置 Heating System for Grinding Faces 当破碎物料中的水分大于14%时,可在破碎板后部配置加热装置(电、蒸汽或热导油),使物料在机内流动顺畅,保证破碎机产量和粒度稳定。 If the moisture content is usually over 14%, heating system (electrical, vapor or thermal oil) can be provided at the back of grinding faces to keep the material flow smoothly and guarantee stable throughput and product size. ¨ 传动方式Drive Mode 本机型一般配备液力偶合器进行软启动。也可采用变频调速器驱动,在不停机的情况下根据物料的硬度和进料粒度,随时调整转子的转速,使出料粒度和产量达到最佳状态。 The electrical motor is connected to the rotor by means of fluid coupling for soft start. The mill can be also driven through frequency converter to modify at time rotation speed of the rotor for optimizing the crushed product size and output according to the hardness and size of the feed material. ¨ 减振平台Shock Absorption Device 减振平台上配有一定数量的弹簧组,可大幅降低动负荷和噪音。 Shock absorption base frame is fitted with spring units in given quantities for lowering down motional load and noise effectively. 技术性能TECHNICAL DATA 型号 Mill Type PCFK1608 PCFK1612 PCFK1616 PCFK1618 PCFK1818 破碎物料 Feed Materials 煤、焦炭、石灰石、石膏、盐、矿石等 Coal, coke, limestone, gypsum,salt,ore and etc. 给料粒度(mm) Size of Feed Material (mm) ≤80 出料粒度(mm) Product Size (mm) ≤8(93%≤3) 转子直径(mm) Diameter of Rotor (mm) 1600 1600 1600 1600 1800 转子长度(mm) Length of Rotor (mm) 865 1265 1665 1865 1865 生产能力(t/h) Output (t/h) 80-120 130-180 200-300 300-400 400-450 电机 E-motor 型号 Type YKK4006-8 YKK405S-8 YKK560-8 YKK500-8 YKK560-8 YKK560-8 功率(kw) Power (kw) 220 355 450 560/630/710 800 转速(rpm) Rotation Speed (rpm) 740 740 740 740 740 电压(V) Voltage (V) 6000 6000 6000/10000 6000/10000 6000/10000 液力偶合器 Fluid Coupling YOX875 YOX1000 YOX1000 YOX1150 YOX1150 电液推杆 Electro-hydraulic Pushing Lever DYPX2500-35 DYPX2500-35 DYPX3000-35 DYPX4000-35 DYPX4000-35 |