厂商 :乐清市国铭智能开关厂
上海 宝山区- 主营产品:
- 高压计量箱
- 高压熔断器
- 高压断路器
ZW20-12型户外交流户外智能分界真空断路器(看门狗)为额定电压12kV,三相交流50Hz的户外高压开关设备。主要用于开断、关合电力系统的负载电流、过载电流及短路电流。该产品总体结构为三相共箱式,三相真空灭弧室置于金属箱内,变压性能可靠,绝缘强度高。本系列产品的操作机构为弹簧储能式,分为手动和电动两种。适用于变电站、工矿企业及城、农网作保护和控制,特别适用于操作频繁的场所和城网自动化配电网络。在国家权威机构通过全面型式试验,符合下述标准:GB1984 高压交流断路器;
GB/T11022 高压开关设备及控制设备标准的共用技术要求;D11402交流高压断路器订货技术条件。
1, zw20-12 outdoor switchgear main purpose
ZW20-12 Outdoor AC outdoor vacuum circuit breaker intelligent demarcation ( watchdog ) AC 50Hz outdoor high voltage switchgear for the rated voltage of 12kV, three-phase . Mainly used for breaking , closing load current power system , overload current and short circuit current. The overall structure of the product box for the three-phase , three-phase vacuum interrupter in a metal box , transformer reliable performance, high dielectric strength. This series of operating mechanism for the spring energy storage , into both manual and electric . For substation , industrial and mining enterprises and urban and rural power for protection and control , especially for frequent operation of the distribution network sites and urban network automation . In the national authority through a comprehensive type tests , comply with the following standards : GB1984 high voltage AC circuit breakers ;
GB/T11022 high-voltage switchgear and control equipment standards common technical requirements ; D11402 AC high voltage circuit breakers ordering technology .
ZW20-12 type outdoor column high voltage vacuum circuit breaker is rated voltage 12kV, three-phase AC 50Hz outdoor high voltage switchgear. Mainly used for breaking , closing load current power system , overload current and short circuit current. For substation , industrial and mining enterprises and urban distribution network for the protection and control , especially for frequent operation of the distribution network sites and urban network automation . This product and controller support, distribution automation systems to meet the requirements, and can be reliably and efficiently complete the traditional recloser function. It uses sophisticated box sealing structure filled with SF6 gas inside , with good sealing performance , making the environment free from outside influence , is a maintenance-free product . Its spring mechanism using direct-acting chain primary drive and multi-stage release system , high reliability operation is to share the column circuit breaker.
2、zw20-12F智能断路器使用条件 :
2.1 海拔高度:不超过1000m;
2.2 周围空气温度:-40℃~+40℃,日温差:日温差变化不大于25℃;
2.3 风速:不大于34m/s;
2.4 无易燃、爆炸危险、强烈化学腐蚀物(如各种酸,碱或浓烟等)和剧烈震动的场所。
3、zw20-12F看门狗断路器产品特点 :
4.1 城、农网改造的理想设备:可与控制器配套实现遥控、遥测、遥信和遥调,实现“四遥”功能。
4.2 操作灵活、方便:本产品为电动储能,电动分合,同时具有手动储能,手动分合,并能近距离或远距离操作。
4.3 开断性能优越:开断短路电流25kA达30次。
4.4 操作功率小,可靠性高:全新设计的小型电动弹簧机构的操作工(约30W左右)降低到最低水平。
4.5 安装方式灵活:可采用柱上吊装或座装安装方式。
4.6 密封性能可靠:SF6压力为零表压且采用成熟的密封结构技术,密封性能可靠,不易泄露。
4.7 独特的进出线方式:采用硅橡胶管,使接线端子之间绝缘距离充裕,外绝缘特性优良。
4.8 使用安全:在箱体顶部安装有防爆装置,即使发生以内部故障,也不会有高温气体或飞溅物泄露出来。
序号 |
项目名称 |
单位 |
参数 |
1 |
Zw20-12额定电压 |
kV |
12/24 |
2 |
Zw20-12额定频率 |
Hz |
50 |
3 |
Zw20-12额定电流 |
A |
630/1000 |
4 |
额定短路开断电流 |
kA |
12.5/16/20/25 |
5 |
额定峰值耐受电流(峰值) |
kA |
31.5/40/50/63 |
6 |
额定短时耐受电流(4S) |
kA |
12.5/16/20/25 |
7 |
额定短路关合电流(峰值) |
kA |
31.5/40/50/63 |
8 |
机械寿命次数 |
次 |
10000 |
9 |
额定短路开断电流开断次数 |
次 |
30 |
10 |
1min工频耐受电压(相间/对地/断口) |
kV |
42/49/60 |
11 |
雷电冲击耐受电压峰值(相间/对地/断口) |
kV |
75/85/125 |
12 |
二次回路1min工频耐压 |
kV |
2 |
13 |
净重 |
kg |
140 |
14 |
SF6气体额定表压 |
Mpa |
0 |