
厂商 :深圳市政鸿微电子有限公司

广东 深圳
  • 主营产品:
  • 闪光灯
  • 敦南科技
  • 安高华
联系电话 :15919795177


STK3311 sitronix 矽创 二代 四合一 环境光传感器     
The STK3410 is an integrated ambient and infrared light
to digital converter with a built-in IR LED and I2C
interface. This device provides not only ambient light
sensing to allow robust backlight/display brightness
control but also infrared sensing to allow proximity
estimation and gesture recognition featured with
interrupt function.
For ambient light sensing, the STK3410 incorporates a
photodiode, timing controller and ADC in a single chip.
The excellent spectral response is designed to be close-
to human eye. The STK3410 is suitable for detecting a
wide range of light intensity environment. The maximum
detecting light intensity is 1.7K Lux when using default
For proximity sensing, the STK3410 also incorporates a
photodiode, timing controller and ADC in the same chip.
The spectral response of STK3410 is optimized for
wavelength 940nm infrared light. The STK3410 provides
programmable duty setting to drive IR LED and employs
a noise cancellation scheme to highly reject unwanted
ambient IR noise.
For gesture recognition, the STK3410 provides multi-
photodiodes to distinguish the movement of the object. It
can be used to recognize one dimensions gesture
recognition: left / right.
The STK3410 has excellent temperature compensation,
robust on-chip refresh rate setting without external
components. Software shutdown mode control is
provided for power saving application. The STK3410
operating voltage range is 1.7V to 3.6V.
?  Integrated ambient light sensor, proximity sensor
and infrared LED in one package.
Proximity Sensor
?  16 bits resolution for proximity detection
?  Built-in LED driver with flexible setting
–  LED turn-on time : 16 steps IT x 64 duty cycle
–  LED current : 12.5 / 25 / 50 / 100 mA
?  Flexible interrupt setting
–  Several interrupt modes meet application
–  Flag modes are included.
–  Interrupt persistence : 1 / 4 times
?  Low noise design
