厂商 :厦门纳广贸易有限公司
福建 厦门市- 主营产品:
- 过滤器滤芯
- 编码器压力开关
- 真空泵真空产品
联系电话 :13799789877
供应意大利FAIFILTRI油滤CTT07033P10A,厦门纳广现货代理FAI FILTRI油滤CTT07033P10A
Since 1976 FAI FILTRI S.r.l. has been working in industrial filtration, with constant sales and employments growth. Since 1980 a precious winning has been the development in Asiatic, American and European markets. An effort recompensed last year with the opening of our branch offices in China and Canada. On the Italian market we have acquired customers like the greater national compressors manufatures and we have developed a vast organization of sales with numerous and qualified resellers. FIRM FOUNDATIONS ON CUSTOMER SERVICE: QUALITY: this high standard achieved is due to the continuos investment in the best materials and research & development which produce our high quality reliable product. FAI FILTRI is certified to ISO 9001 since 1997.
意大利FAI FILTRI从1976年开始涉足滤清器行业,并在产能和商业应用方面一直保持不断的发展,从上世纪80年代初开始,公司就已进入亚洲,美洲和欧洲市场,出口产品占到了现有生产的70%,在意大利市场我们发展了很多有资质的代理商,从而建立起了强大的销售网络,所有这些能成为现实,都要归功于对新技术,新系统和人力资源的投资,以及根据市场要求不断提高产品性能的能力。
FAI FILTRI产品范围广泛,有可用于不同的行业,如液压、压缩机的油气分离,EDM机械的滤清器,也有与许多知名主机厂和全球滤清器生产商替换使用的一些列完整的滤芯。
CTT07033P10A油滤,厦门纳广贸易有限公司优势销售意大利FAI FILTRI法菲特系列产品,如您对该产品感兴趣,详情来电咨询!电话:0592-5819305,传真:0592-5819261
Since 1976 FAI FILTRI S.r.l. has been working in industrial filtration, with constant sales and employments growth. Since 1980 a precious winning has been the development in Asiatic, American and European markets. An effort recompensed last year with the opening of our branch offices in China and Canada. On the Italian market we have acquired customers like the greater national compressors manufatures and we have developed a vast organization of sales with numerous and qualified resellers. FIRM FOUNDATIONS ON CUSTOMER SERVICE: QUALITY: this high standard achieved is due to the continuos investment in the best materials and research & development which produce our high quality reliable product. FAI FILTRI is certified to ISO 9001 since 1997.
意大利FAI FILTRI从1976年开始涉足滤清器行业,并在产能和商业应用方面一直保持不断的发展,从上世纪80年代初开始,公司就已进入亚洲,美洲和欧洲市场,出口产品占到了现有生产的70%,在意大利市场我们发展了很多有资质的代理商,从而建立起了强大的销售网络,所有这些能成为现实,都要归功于对新技术,新系统和人力资源的投资,以及根据市场要求不断提高产品性能的能力。
FAI FILTRI产品范围广泛,有可用于不同的行业,如液压、压缩机的油气分离,EDM机械的滤清器,也有与许多知名主机厂和全球滤清器生产商替换使用的一些列完整的滤芯。
CTT07033P10A油滤,厦门纳广贸易有限公司优势销售意大利FAI FILTRI法菲特系列产品,如您对该产品感兴趣,详情来电咨询!电话:0592-5819305,传真:0592-5819261
- 供应VUOTOTECNICA真空开关836-C6A ,进口真空开关价格代理商
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- 供应TAIYO油缸140H-81FY50CB210-AB,日本TAIYO厦门原装进口代理,代理价格
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- 供应TAIYO磁性开关AX111CE,日本感应线,AX111CE感应开关现货
- 供应气缸TAIYO气缸AHU2-063-002,日本TAIYO系列原装进口
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- 供应DESCHNER KINECHEK稳速器5001-31-4,美国白马稳速器进口