厂商 :天津市中天俊达玻璃纤维制造有限公司
天津 天津- 主营产品:
- 石英纤维
- 玻璃纤维维缝编毡
- 玻璃纤维短切原丝毡
玻璃纤维耐碱纱-Alkali-resistant Roving
Alkali-resistant roving is used for spray up or mechanical continuous forming of GRC. It is the base material used to make glass reinforced cement (GRC). With the properties of light, high in strength, incombustible and easy to design and shape, GRC products are widely used in the building industry as boards, corrugated proofing sheets, division panels, internal and external insulation panels, decorative panels, dust panels, cable boxes, drainage channels and for garden features and artistic sculptures. AR Chopped Strands (with cutting length 6,12mm)also available.
Good stiffness 硬挺性优
Good choppability短切性好
Easy dispersion 分散性好