
厂商 :沧州永欣铸造有限公司泊头分公司

河北 沧州
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联系电话 :13313271152


公司销售电话:0317-8196691 13313271152 



    沧州永欣铸造有限公司是专业生产经营给、排水、燃气管道配件的生产制造商。公司成立于1993年,拥胡固定资产5000万元,企业总资产8600万元,主要生产设备85台套,其中消失模生产线四条,树脂砂生产线3条——加工机床30台,其中大型立式车床4台,可加工直径3000mm 以下的工件。企业员工500人,其中工程技术人员52人,各类专业人员160人,年生产能力1万余吨。主要产品为主要产品为球墨铸铁管件,管道柔性伸缩器、管道抢修堵漏器、水泥管道连接件等四大系列1000余个品种,规格dn50-dn2000mm,执行标准为GB/t13295-2003、ISO2531、BSEN545,也可根据客户要求生产各异形管件及非标管件。生产工艺采用世界上较先进的消失模工艺和树脂工艺。产品出口到韩国、丹麦、西班牙,德国、伊拉克、欧美等 国家和地区,年出口量占生产总值的80%。 公司质量检测严格,从原材料进厂到产品出厂有完整的理化分析、性能测试、水压试验等一系列检测工序。公司连续15年被市政府评为纳税先进企业,连续11年被泊头市工商局评为“重合同、守信用”企业。并于2000年9月通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,环境 管理体系认证证书,质量管理体系认证证书,职业健康安全管理休系认证证书,FM和UL认证证书。

      CANGZHOU YONGXIN CASTINGS CO.,LTD. is located in the heavy industry province of HEBEI, China with rich resources of pig irons ,coke, steel and other industrial raw materials , we are one of the leading manufacturers of Ductile iron pipe fittings , Flanged adaptors , Couplings , Valves , Manhole covers , Dismantling joints , Rubber O rings , Steel flanges , Fasteners  , Motor shells and other castings and forgings according to different standards such as ISO2531, EN545, EN14525, ISO4422, ISO7005,DIN3352, BS5163, DIN3202, BS2494, BS4504, EN124 and other relevant ISO, EN, BS , DIN, ANSI standards. Our products are widely exported to European countries , Middle East , South East Asia , South Africa and South American for more than 16 years .We can also make the castings and forgings according to customers drawings or samples . We are eager to get your inquiries and to establish long term mutual benefit cooperation relationship. We have our advantage in manufacturing and you have your advantages in sales , we are sure with our working together we can get one "win-win" situation .We hope we can grow together
