
厂商 :重庆市优胜科技有限公司

重庆 重庆
  • 主营产品:
  • 黄鳝泥鳅促长剂
  • 肉牛肉羊催肥促长剂药
  • 紫月优生素
联系电话 :18580184121


紫优素 紫月禽可乐


紫优素 紫月禽可乐提高家禽体质和抗病能力,应激能力,降低家禽死亡率和发病率 死淘率;减少抗生素和药品的使用量。

Purple priority purple moon avian Cola raise poultry constitution and disease resistant ability, the ability to reduce stress, poultry mortality and morbiditymortality; reduce the use of antibiotics and drugs.

1.紫优素 紫月禽可乐促进幼禽成长发育,降低料肉比,提高饲料利用率,缩短饲养周期。

2.紫优素 紫月禽可乐加速蛋禽生长,保证性腺充分发育,开产整齐度好,延长产蛋高峰

3.紫优素 紫月禽可乐提高产蛋率,增加蛋重,降低破蛋率,蛋色光泽亮丽,饲料报酬高

4.紫优素 紫月禽可乐提高肉(蛋)品质,肉(蛋)中α-亚麻酸含量增加,胆固醇含量降低。

1 purple priority purple moon bird cola to promote a growth, reduce the ratio of feed and meat, improve the utilization rate of feed, shorten feeding period.

2 purple priority purple moon bird Cola accelerated egg and poultry growth,gonadal development to ensure sufficient production, good uniformity,prolonging production peak

3 purple priority purple moon bird coke increased laying rate, increase egg weight, reduce broken eggs, egg color bright, high forage reward

4 purple priority purple moon bird cola to improve meat quality (eggs), meat(eggs) increase in alpha linolenic acid content, reducing cholesterol content.



Results: the test group than that in the control group only weight 70 grams, the survival rate was increased by 1.47%, feed conversion ratio decreased 0.01.Each chicken added profit of 0.38 yuan, and fleshy, pure flavor. To extend theproduction peak; reduce deformity egg and egg rate, increase the eggfertilization rate, improve the fertilized eggs, the eggs hatching rate and healthy rate.

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