厂商 :深圳市力高兴业科技有限公司
广东 深圳- 主营产品:
- 音响与视頻类相关仪器
- 隔离测试系统
- 通讯测试仪器
仿真电源(交流变频电源)EPX系列 NF回路设计
410VA / 620VA / 1250VA (电子力)

> 产品型号: EPX系列
> 产品名称: 仿真电源(交流变频电源)
> 厂家品牌: NF回路设计

The EPX series , EPX 4112, EPX 4106 and EPX 4104 are single-phase AC power supply consisting of a power amplifier, built-in 40Hz to 500Hz frequency synthesizer and digital display.
Peak output current is as large as 2.5 times of RMS rated value.Electronic power is 3 types of 410VA, 620VA and 1250VA.
Wide range of output voltage
The output voltage is 100,120,200 and 240Vrms selectable ,and each is variable 0 to 120%. And also secured rated output current within 20 to 120%.
High precision/ high resolution
The output frequency is 40Hz to 500Hz,resolution 0.001Hz, and accuracy 50ppm. The output voltage harmonic distortion is less than 0.5%.
Versatile functions
Preset memory, Auto-level, self-recovery potective circuit, and external signal input terminal.
As equipment for manufacturing line use such as electric appliance
Specialized power supply for overseas
Frequency converter such as lighting appliance and induction motor, etc.
Stabilizer or improving distorted waveform at the manufacuturing lines like personal computors.
Special designed power supply
for aircraft and vessels appliance
As development /inspection tool for electronics appliance.
As confirmation test for the operating power supply voltage range
Measurement of consumed power

咨询热线:0755-25183472 详情登录:http://szlgxy.china.b2b.cn