
厂商 :上海鑫际仪器仪表有限公司

上海 上海
  • 主营产品:
  • 酒检仪
  • 测高仪
  • 测速仪
联系电话 :15601919737

台式折射仪 T3-NE

三种标度 – 血清蛋白、尿比重和屈折率. 简约便捷的设计,台式折射仪底部可以存放样品等,折射仪的日光板处有便于开合的设计。

See the scale
>Icon說明Calibration with water Compact and easy to carry Clinical refractometers Refractive index scale

Model T3-NE 型号 2754
测量范围 尿比重 1.000 至 1.050
血清蛋白质标度 0.0 至 12.0g/100ml
折射指数标度 1.3330 至 1.3600
最小標度 尿比重 0.001
血清蛋白质标度 0.2g/100ml
折射指数标度 0.0005
规格 & 重量 10×17.3×21.5㎝、910g

Desktop Refractometer T3-NE

This is a desktop clinical refractometer that allows for hands-free operations.
It has 3 scales – serum protein, urine specific gravity, and refractive index.
Designed for ease of use and simplicity, the stand has a space for a receptacle, and the daylight plate has a handle for opening/closing.


See the scale
>about the iconsCalibration with water Compact and easy to carry Clinical refractometers Refractive index scale
Model T3-NE Cat.No. 2754
Measurement Range Urine S.G. 1.000 to 1.050
Serum protein scale 0.0 to 12.0g/100ml
Refractive Index 1.3330 to 1.3600
Minimum scale Urine S.G. 0.001
Serum protein scale 0.2g/100ml
Refractive Index 0.0005
Size & Weight 10×17.3×21.5㎝、910g

