
厂商 :广州百集化妆品有限公司

广东 广州
  • 主营产品:
  • 面膜
  • 美白防晒
  • 美白祛斑
联系电话 :15920872467

蚕丝面膜系列:Silk collagen mask series:


In touch with nature wonder of silk, it’s like a light breeze embrace your heart, let beauty capture by the heart and feel the leaping joy touching the soul.


Natural silk contained 18 different kinds of Amino Acid and multi trace elements, light, thin, breathable, soft, feel like a feather. Perfectly cover facial areas, contain enriched factors, can increase 20% absorption effect, 5-10 times moisten effect, help skin become tender and bright, like silk soft and smooth.

使用方法:Method of use:

2, 开——撕开包装,取出面膜并展开。

Start – tore open package, take out and unfold face mask.

3, 取——面膜共三层,中间层为蚕丝膜,先将白色珠光膜取下。

Take – face mask has 3 layers, middle one is the silk mask, first takeaway the white cover mask.

4, 分——再将蓝色纤维膜朝外,把蚕丝膜朝脸部贴上抚平。

Separate – then place the silk collagen mask onto the face and smooth out, blue fiber mask facing out.

5, 贴——用手轻轻按压面膜,使其完整贴于脸上。

Stick – use hand lightly press the mask, make sure it stick on the face completely.

6, 调——然后小心将蓝色纤维膜揭下。注意揭的时候从左/右缺口处入手。

Adjust – takeaway the blue fiber mask, pay attention the blue fiber mask should remove from left and right notch.

7, 敷——最后将蚕丝膜抚平,使其完整贴于面部。

Apply – at last smooth the silk mask make it completely cover facial areas.

8, 待——放松精神,享受15-20分钟的面膜时间,让肌肤充分吸收面膜中的营养。

Wait – relax and enjoy 15-20 minutes, allow skin to absorb all nutrition from the mask.

9, 成——面膜使用后请抛弃,并用清水洗净面部剩余精华。也可免洗,效果更佳。

Done – discard face mask, use clean water wash away the excess essence or leave it on the face to get better effect.

