厂商 :迈斯达有限公司
广东 广州- 主营产品:
- 申请一般纳税人
- 注册公司
- 公司注册
If having decided, you do need to have a permanent presence, one option is to set up a representative office. Representative Offices are established by foreign companies to engage in business liaison, product promotion, market research, exchange of technology and other permitted activities inChina.
Representative Offices could not engage in direct operational activities. It’s prohibited for Rep. Office exporting goods to overseas alone, pay suppliers through Rep. Office’s bank account etc.
If you are thinking about manufacturing or trading in China through a legal entity, the choice is generally between setting up your own wholly owned enterprise or setting up a joint venture or even do Mergers and Acquisition in China.
For more information or any enquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact us WEBOND CORPORATION LTD.,it is our honour to provide you with useful information.
Contact Us
Tel: 86-20-38888181
Mobile: 18926120863 QQ: 1597858658
Email: webondco@gmail.com
Website: http://www.webond.org/
Address: Room 3002, RenFeng Building, No.490, TianHe Road, Tianhe District,
Guangzhou, China