
厂商 :北京华泰辉阀门有限公司

北京 北京
  • 主营产品:
  • 进口黄铜电磁阀
  • 进口高温电磁阀
  • 进口高压电磁阀
联系电话 :13718983583
进口胶管阀  Import hose valve
Hose refers to the rubber sleeve for the seal and the opening and closing parts, through the hand wheel drives the upper and lower gate movement, so as to open and close the valve to a compression sleeve.
进口胶管阀特点 Import hose valve characteristics :
Multifunctional valve 1 hose valve, which can replace the gate valve, globe valve, adjusting valve.
rubber than wear-resistant steel, iron and other metal materials, when the medium with solid medium, pipe clamp valve can win any of its.
Adjust the 3 rubber on the formulation of the corrosion resistance of various chemical solvent,
The 4 hose ends with the rubber flange. When the valve and pipeline connection, without the other sealing gaskets, valve position without adverse phenomena run, run, drip, leak.
simple structure, easy maintenance and replacement of rubber hose.
cold resistance is good. The fluid flow in the hose flexible, thereby excluding the fluid crystallization caused by evil shell cracking.
Import hose valve consists of valve body, valve, hose, the structure of extrusion, hand wheel and other parts, from natural rubber hose Seiko ingredients and molding.
This valve has simple structure, is the only domestic valve without leakage, acid free alkali concentration salt solution can resist various medium concentration, powder conveying dry and pulp and node object medium at.
使用温度≤160℃  The use of temperature≤ 160 ℃
设计压力≤2.5MP  Design pressure is 2.5MP
产地:德国  Origin: Germany
产品品牌:德国Orsen奥尔申  The product brand: German Orsen
德国Orsen奥尔申胶管阀优点  Germany Orsen Creole Shen hose valve advantages:
进口胶管阀可以在管道上任意安装,没有介质流向限制。2、采用进口优质橡胶,耐磨耐腐蚀,使用寿命长。3、阀体材质有铝合金和铸铁,铸钢,不锈钢,可长期使用;在长久使用下一般只需更换管套Import hose valve can be installed in the pipeline, not the flow of media restrictions. 2, the use of imported high-quality rubber, corrosion resistant, long service life. 3, the body is made of aluminum alloy and cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel, can be used for a long time; in the long-term use is only replaced.