厂商 :东台东江船舶装配有限公司
江苏 盐城- 主营产品:
- 防护服
- 船用生活污水处理装置
- 船用油水分离器
联系电话 :18914668516

产 品 说 明
DF型检修工具是检查维修救生服的专用工具。它由充气检查工具(面部夹具1副、压力表1只、手动充气泵1只、扳手1把)和维修工具(布料1块、胶水1支、小剪刀1把、小毛刷1把、粉笔1块)组成,装在一个牢固的箱子中,携带、存放方便,操作容易。DF Type air test and repair kit is a special tool for air test and repairing of an immersion suit. It has an air test kit (a set of face clamp, a pressure gauge, an inflator pump and a spanner) and repair kit(a piece of cloth, glue, a pair of scissors, a brush and a piece of chalk), put in the same box with feature of being easy to carry, store and use.

产 品 说 明
DF型检修工具是检查维修救生服的专用工具。它由充气检查工具(面部夹具1副、压力表1只、手动充气泵1只、扳手1把)和维修工具(布料1块、胶水1支、小剪刀1把、小毛刷1把、粉笔1块)组成,装在一个牢固的箱子中,携带、存放方便,操作容易。DF Type air test and repair kit is a special tool for air test and repairing of an immersion suit. It has an air test kit (a set of face clamp, a pressure gauge, an inflator pump and a spanner) and repair kit(a piece of cloth, glue, a pair of scissors, a brush and a piece of chalk), put in the same box with feature of being easy to carry, store and use.