YJ系列一般压力表 YJ Series Common Pressure Meter 压力表专利证书(http://www.chinawanda.net/default.asp?a_c_id=236&a_id=16489) 简介 一般压力表系列用于测量无爆炸危险,不结晶,不凝固,且对钢及铜合金不起腐蚀作用的液体、气体和蒸汽的压力或真空。 典型的应用场所为:空气压缩机、真空泵、工艺管路、调压阀、测试设备、医用消毒器等。 一般压力表系列用于测量无爆炸危险,不结晶,不凝固,且对钢及铜合金不起腐蚀作用的液体、气体和蒸汽的压力或真空。 Brief introduction Common pressure meter series are suitable for measuring the pressure of liquid, gas and steam or vacuum, which are non-crystalloid and non-concretionary, and have no danger of explosion and do not erode steel and copper alloy. Typical applicable locations are: air compressor, vacuum pump, compressing air pipeline, pressure regulating valve, testing equipment, and medical sterilizer, etc. 构成示意图 Internal structure 主要技术参数
- 精确度:1.6级、2.5级
- 使用环境条件: -40℃~70℃,相对湿度不大
- 温度影响:使用温度偏离20±5℃时,不大于
Principal technical parameters
- Accuracy: 1.6、 2.5 grades
- -40℃~70℃, relative humidity is not more than 85%
- Temperature influence:
- When temperature departure is 20±5℃, additional
- temperature error is not more than 0.4%/10℃.
型号表示 Model designations 标记示例:YJZ-100ZT 产品电脑编码为:1002054301 轴向前边压力真空表,安装形式为轴向盘装式。产品电脑编码详见《一般压力系列仪表选型指南》。 Marking instance:YJZ-100ZT Production computer coding:1002054301 Axial front pressure vacuum meter. mounted form is axial dial mounted product computer coding, please see the“Guide for type selection of common series instruments and meters” 型号规格 Types and specifications 结构分解图 Internal structure 说明: 防爆窗可释放因过载弹性元件破裂而产生的内部压力,增强了人员及设施的安全性。 Specification:explosion-proof window can release inner pressure caused by break of elastic component when over loaded, and thus security of personnel and establishment is ensured. 结构原理 仪表由导压系统(包括接头、弹簧管等)、齿轮传动机构、示数装置(指针与表盘)和外壳(包括表壳、表罩、表玻璃等)组成。 弹簧管在压力和真空的作用下,产生弹性变形引起管端位移,其位移通过机械传动机构进行放大,传递给示数装置,再由指针在刻有法定计量单位的度盘上指出被测压力或真空量值。 Configuration principle The meter is composed of pressure leading system (including joint, spring tube, etc), gear wheel driving machine, indicator device (pointer and meter dial) and crust (including meter crust, meter cover, meter glass, etc). Under the action of pressure and vacuum, spring tube will produce elastic deformation causing displacement at the end. The displacement is enlarged by mechanical driving device and transferred to indicator, and then the pointer of the meter dial, with measure unit on it, indicates the pressure value or vacuum value 度盘表示方法 Show method of the dial 最小分度值表 Min value of pitch line 如需定制特殊表盘,请在订单中注明。For customized special meter dial,clear notes shall be made on the order. 缺表格 度盘参考图 Dial plate 外形尺寸 External dimension 订货须知 Ordering instructions 订货时须注明:型号、名称、精确度、测量范围。如特殊要求,请注明技术要求。 Ordering instructions: The product computer code ,types, names, accuracy grades, and measuring ranges .must be clearly noted. In case of special requirements, technical requirements shall be clearly noted specifications on the back of the order on ordering goods. |